拖地板的英文 拖地板用英語怎麼說?
mop the floor
mop the floor
常用 重點詞彙
1. 她一直羅羅唆唆地催他去拖地板。
She's been nagging at him to mop the floor.
2. 有些人擦黑板, 有些人拖地板.
Some cleaned the blackboards, others mopped the floor.
3. 她在擦窗時,他在拖地板。
While she is cleaning the window, he mop the floor.
4. 繼續浸溼拖把,擰乾,按照紋路拖地板。
Continue dampening the mop, wringing it out, and dragging it across the floor with the grain.
5. 是的, 她每天拖地板.
Yes, she mops the floor every day.
6. 拖地板的水用來衝馬桶。
Flush the toilet with the water we mop the floor.
7. 我洗衣服、拖地板、倒垃圾,還給植物澆水。
I wash the clothes, mop the floor, take out the trash, andwater the plants.
8. 這男孩不喜歡拖地板,可他還是乖乖地拖了。
The boy did not like to mop the floor, but he made the best of it.
9. 她正在拖地板。
She is mopping the floor.
10. 我來拖地板。
I'll mop the floor.
floor; floorboard; cultivated field