嗅覺靈敏的英文 嗅覺靈敏用英語怎麼說?
have a good nose
常用 重點詞彙
1. 這種動物嗅覺靈敏,彌補了視力上的不足。
The animal’s keen sense of smell compensates for its poor eyesight.
2. 他的政治嗅覺靈敏。
He is politically sharp.
3. 動物天生嗅覺靈敏。它們每天靠鼻子過日子。
Now animals are built to smell. They live their everyday lives according to their nose.
4. 嗅覺靈敏的射手,擅於突破最後一名後衛的防守.
A predatory striker who plays off the shoulders of the last defender.
5. 這條狗嗅覺靈敏.
This dog has a good nose.
6. LED為個人電腦、攝影器材和手機帶來的巨大轉變為市場嗅覺靈敏的企業家們打開了商機。
As with personal computers, photography, and mobile phones, the massive shift that LEDs represent may open the door to fast-moving entrepreneurs.
7. 舍瓦扮演著移動的,進球嗅覺靈敏的前鋒角色,但他的跑動要比中鋒積極。舍甫琴科仍是一名攻擊手,可以和任何人搭檔。
His role is that of a moving attacking who has a great sense of goal, a first striker moves less than Sheva, who is still an attacker who can play with anyone.
8. 而一些嗅覺靈敏的公司,如Language Media Agency (LMA),就已經意識到儘管房地產是本土的,但是買家卻可以是全球的。
Agile companies like Language Media Agency (LMA) realize that real estate is local, but buyers are global.
have a good nose