同胞的英文 同胞用英語怎麼說?
sibling n.兄弟;姊妹;同胞
compatriot n.同國人;同胞
fellow countryman 同胞
常用 權威
1. 臺灣同胞
Taiwan compatriots
2. 海外同胞
overseas compatriots;compatriot residing abroad
3. 愛國同胞
patriotic fellow countryman
4. 臺灣同胞聯誼會
All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots
5. 造福於自己的同胞
benefit one's own countrymen
1. 他會向他的同胞們解釋這一點嗎?
Will he explain this to his fellow-citizens?
2. 每年都有大批臺灣同胞回大陸探親。
Great numbers of compatriots from Taiwan return to the mainland every year to visit their relatives.
3. 他們敦促軍隊不要向自己的同胞開槍。
They urged the troops not to fire on their fellow citizens.
4. 他們誘使他背叛自己的同胞。
They were manoeuvring him into a betrayal of his countryman.
5. 從俄亥俄州來的女同胞。
A fellow countrywoman from Ohio.
6. 孩子的同胞孿生兒是器官捐獻的最佳配對人。
The child's identical twin would be a perfect match for organ donation.
7. 英國人是你的同胞。
The angrezi are your people.
8. 她承襲同胞的風俗。
She followed in the tradition of her countrymen.
9. 傑夫·特蘭格,第五號種子選手,被他的美國同胞託德·威茨肯打敗。
[ with obj. and complement]Jeff Tarango, seeded five, was defeated by fellow American Todd Witsken.
10. 一個三胞胎睡在其兩個同胞之間。
A triplet sleeps amongst its two siblings.
同胞(tóng bāo),漢語詞語。指的是同父母所生的;也指同一民族的人。
名詞 sibling
1. 同胞兄弟/姐妹
full brothers/sisters
名詞 compatriot; fellow countryman
1. 告全國同胞書
announcement to the fellow countrymen of the nation
2. 海外同胞
overseas compatriots
3. 港澳同胞
compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao
4. 造福於自己的同胞
benefit one's own countrymen