顧的英文 顧用英語怎麼說?
look at 看著
visit v.訪問;拜訪;使某人遭受;參觀;探望;視察;檢查;巡視;閒聊;遊覽
call on 要求;號召;拜訪(某人)
patronize v.對…以施惠人自居;以高人一等的態度對待;惠顧;光顧;資助;贊助
attend to 關注;處理;服務, 接待;關心, 照料
look after 照顧
take into consideration 考慮到;顧及
customer n.顧客;客戶;物件;傢伙
instead adv.替代;頂替;代替;而不是…
on the contrary 與此相反, 恰恰相反
but conj.若不;不過;然而;相反
however adv.然而;可是;不過;不管用什麼方式;不管怎麼;無論如何;不管多麼
常用 權威
1. 顧二十幾歲就結婚了。
Gu got married in his twenties.
2. 1957年,顧被要求領導脊髓灰質炎的研究。
Gu was asked to lead polio research in 1957.
3. 顧逝世後被授予\人民科學家\的國家榮譽稱號。
Gu received a national honorary-title \the People's Scientist\ after his death.
4. 我那樣說是為了顧你的面子。
I said that to save your face.
5. 幹這行你必須心狠,誰顧別人誰吃虧。
In this business you have to be tough, and the devil take the hindmost.
6. 當爸和掙錢回家不知顧哪頭才好.
Teeter - totter caught up bein a father and a prima donna.
7. 顧 客:就是櫃檯上的那兩本。
CUSTOMER: The books which are onthe counter.
8. 后街男孩一向都很顧及其歌迷的利益。
Those Backstreet Boys are always looking out for their fans.
9. 教育專家顧明遠教授訪談錄.
Listen to the interview and interpret it from Chinese into English.
10. 今天在幼兒園顧老師講了什麼故事?。
What story did Miss Gu tell you in the kindergarten today?
顧(gù),漢語文字,10畫,左右結構,字義是回頭看,泛指看;照管,注意;拜訪。組詞有照顧、顧及。 相關例句有:“顧見漢騎 司馬呂馬童。”,出自《史記·項羽本紀》。
顧姓,中華姓氏,是一個多民族、多源流的姓氏,主要發源於浙江省境的會稽地區(今浙江紹興),在當今姓氏排行榜上名列第 89 位,屬於大姓系列,在臺灣省則未列入前一百大姓,現今人口約 283 萬餘,約佔全國人口總數的 0.17% 左右。 《通志·氏族略》所云:“顧氏,己姓,伯爵,夏、商之諸侯,今濮州範縣東南二十八里有故顧城,是其地也,子孫以封地為姓氏。又,顧氏譜雲:越王勾踐十三世孫閩君搖,漢封東甌,搖別封其子為顧餘侯,漢初居會稽(今蘇州吳縣),亦為顧氏。在魏晉南北朝時期,顧姓也是吳郡四姓之一,代表人物有顧雍、顧榮等,對兩晉時期的政治、軍事有著舉足輕重的影響。
動詞 turn round and look (at); look at
動詞 visit; call on
動詞 patronize; give one's patronage/custom to
名詞 customer
動詞 attend to; look after; take into consideration
副詞 instead; on the contrary
連詞 but; however