上邊的英文 上邊用英語怎麼說?
higher place; higher level; higher authority
常用 權威
1. 你講的一點也沾不上邊兒。
What you said is completely irrelevant. / What you said is (wide) off the mark.
2. 你說的話和事實貼不上邊。
What you said is nothing close to the fact.
3. 上邊派人來調查這次事故。
Someone is sent from above to investigate this accident.
4. 洗臉池上邊有一面鏡子。
There is a mirror above the wash basin.
5. 這是上邊的命令。
This is an order from the higher authorities.
6. 上邊的大看臺也遭受了一點損害。
We have got a little damage to the grandstand section up top, too.
7. 頭白邊: 書頁上邊的空白部份.
Head margin: The margin at the top of a page.
8. 我們讀一切和功課沾不上邊的書。
We read books related to none of our classes.
9. 擁塞的地點在小鎮上邊的山上。
The jam was up the hill above town .
10. 上邊的鑲件加多一個螺絲固定.
Add a second screw to hold the top inserts in place.
名詞 higher place
1. 洗臉池上邊有一面鏡子。
There is a mirror above the wash basin.
名詞 higher level; higher authority
1. 這是上邊的命令。
This is an order from the higher authorities.
2. 上邊派人來調查這次事故。
Someone is sent from above to investigate this accident.