例假的英文 例假用英語怎麼說?
menstruation n.行經;例假;月經來潮
常用 權威
1. 來例假
have a period
1. 她來例假時經常腹絞痛。
She often gets severe cramps during her period.
2. 她每月初來例假。
She menstruates at the beginning of each month.
3. 醫生說女人來例假時不應幹過重的活。
The doctor says that women at that time of the month should avoid doing heavy work.
4. 我的妻子心情煩燥,一定是到了來例假的日子。
My wife is crabby . It must be that time of the Month.
5. 那是個例假日.
It was a regular holiday.
6. 星期日是例假.
Sunday is a regular holiday.
7. 你想做的只是希望不要談論你六歲大的女兒有例假。
You just don’t expect to have to talk to your six-year-old daughter about having periods.
8. 醫院感染控制部門未能預見24例假體感染中的6例。
Prospective surveillance by hospital infection register failed to detect 6 of the 24 prosthetic joint infections.
9. CT橫斷面發現4例假陽性,結合CTA可排除其中3例.
CTA excluded 3 from 4 false positive cases displayed in transverse CT images.
10. 三二週內至少有二日之休息,作為例假,不受第三十六條之限制.
The regulation of Article 36 of every two weeks a two days rest is exempt here.
月經是週期性陰道排血或子宮出血現象,發生在一些具有生育能力的女性人類和黑猩猩等動物之間。其成分主要是血液、子宮內膜組織碎片、各種活性酶及生物因子。 它是由下丘腦、垂體和卵巢三者生殖激素之間的相互作用來調節的,在月經週期中的月經期和增殖期,血中雌二醇和孕酮水平較低。
名詞 (menstrual) period; menstruation
1. 你的例假正常嗎?
Are your periods regular?
2. 她每月初來例假。
She menstruates at the beginning of each month.
3. 來例假
have a period