短袖襯衫的英文 短袖襯衫用英語怎麼說?
semi-sleeve shirt
short sleeve shirt
常用 重點詞彙
1. 開領短袖襯衫
polo shirt
1. 這是一種新的、時髦的高領短袖襯衫。
It's a new, fashionable one with a high collar and short sleeves.
2. 我們有很多可供挑選的短袖襯衫.
We have a large selection of short sleeve shirts.
3. 女生必須穿短袖白襯衫
Girls You must wear white blouses with short sleeves
4. 男生必須穿短袖白襯衫,灰色短褲,白色短襪。
You must wear white shirts with short sleeves, grey shorts and short white socks.
5. 白色短袖襯衫.
A white shirt with short sleeves.
6. 爸爸穿的身份華麗,一條深藍色的褲子和白色的短袖襯衫,很好的映襯了媽媽的豔麗。
Dad was resplendent in dark blue pants and a white short-sleeved shirt, providing a quiet background for Mom’s flamboyance. We all piled into the car.
7. 他們讓50名醫生穿剛洗過的短袖襯衫工作一天,另外50名醫生穿未洗過的長袖白大褂。
They had 50 doctors start a workday wearing a freshly washed short-sleeve shirt and another 50 in their unwashed long-sleeved white coats.
8. 走近尤瑟夫後我們注意到他穿著簡單的短袖襯衫,但一看到有攝影師在場,他馬上進屋拿了外套和手錶穿戴上。
We enter Yusuf’s compound and find him dressed simply in a half-sleeved shirt, but when he sees the photographer he quickly goes inside to put on his jacket and watch.
semi-sleeve shirt; short sleeve shirt