國家大劇院的英文 國家大劇院用英語怎麼說?
Grand National Theatre
常用 重點詞彙
1. 這一盛會將是中國國家大劇院首次訪問英國。
This great occasion will be the National Theatre of China's first visit to the UK.
2. 國家大劇院今天演什麼戲劇啊?
What is on at National Globe today?
3. 國家大劇院也同樣體現了現代建築外向的特點.
The National Grand Theatre also has this extroverted characteristic of modern architecture.
4. 孤星淚將於明年在新的國家大劇院在北京舉行.
Les Miserables will be performed next year in the new National Grand theatre in Beijing.
5. 有關方面對正在建造中的國家大劇院作了報導。
Reports have been given on the construction of the National Theater which is in progress.
6. 什麼也看不到:國家大劇院。週三,霧霾終於消失了。
Nothing to see: National Centre for the Performing Arts. The smog finally cleared on Wednesday morning.
7. 國家大劇院的落成,適合這個風景,連線天空和大海。
The National Theatre fits in this landscape, connecting the sky and the sea.
8. 國家大劇院的初衷是要普及高雅藝術,提高人們的藝術品位.
The Theater was built to popularize fine art among the Chinese people.
9. 劇院永遠是我的第二個家,無論是倫敦西區的國家大劇院和皇家莎士比亞劇團,還是我孫子孫女的學校劇場都不例外。
The theatre has been my lifelong home from home, from the National Theatre and RSC via the West End to my grandchildren's school plays.
10. 中國國家大劇院(NCPA)為音樂愛好者提供了大約50場經典歌劇和音樂會表演,作為一年一度的歌劇節的一部分,該表演正在北京進行。
China's National Center for the Performing Arts or NCPA is offering some 50 performances of classic operas and concerts for music lovers as part of its annual opera festival now ongoing in Beijing.
中國國家大劇院(National Centre for the Performing Arts of China)是新“北京十六景”之一的地標性建築,也是國家興建的重要文化設施,位於人民大會堂西側,由主體建築及南北兩側的水下長廊、地下停車場、人工湖、綠地組成。 其由法國建築師保羅·安德魯主持設計,外觀呈半橢球形,設有歌劇院、音樂廳、戲劇場以及藝術展廳等配套設施。
Grand National Theatre