焦油的英文 焦油用英語怎麼說?
tar n.柏油;水手;焦油
常用 權威
1. 木焦油
wood tar
2. 煤焦油
coal tar
3. 煤焦油輕油
coal tar light oil
4. 煤焦油搪瓷
coal tar enamel
5. 焦油鹼
tar base
6. 煤焦油染料
coal tar dye
7. 乾餾焦油
dry-run tar
8. 煤氣焦油
gas tar
9. 煙煤焦油
bituminous coal tar
10. 焦油酸
tar acid
11. 降低焦油含量
reduce tar content
12. 低焦油香菸
low-tar cigarette
1. 一種獨創的有助於去頭屑的煤焦油製劑。
An original coal tar formula that helps prevent dandruff.
2. 煤焦油是透過加熱去除煤中的揮發性物質得到的。
Coal tar is made by distillling out the volatile products in coal.
3. 為省半便士焦油錢,死了一條羊。
It is no use spoiling the sheep for a halfpenny worth of tar.
4. 許多人也喜歡香菸中焦油的味道.
Many people also like the taste of tar in cigarettes.
5. 餾分(煤焦油),瀝青,芘餾分。
Distillates (coal tar), pitch, pyrene fraction.
6. 它是免費的焦油和其他有害物質。
It is free of tar and other substances which is harmful.
7. 介紹了特鋼平爐煤焦油鍊鋼工藝.
The process of coal tar steelmaking in special steel open hearth is described in this paper.
8. 頂蓋必須用焦油紙或塑膠封閉。
The pit cover should be sealed over with tar paper or plastic.
9. 雜酚油-煤焦油溶液的標準規範
Standard specification for creosote - coal tar solution
10. 難道我們不能證明棒球影響焦油嗎?
Have we not just proven that the baseball affects tar?
焦油,別名煤膏,是煤乾餾過程中得到的一種黑色或黑褐色粘稠狀液體,是一種高芳香度的碳氫化合物的複雜混合物。 焦油具有特殊的焦臭,可燃並有腐蝕性,通常不溶於水,可溶於苯和二硫化碳等,種類有木焦油與煤焦油。焦油對人體有極大傷害,多用於香菸。
名詞 tar
1. 木焦油
wood tar
2. 煤焦油
coal tar
3. 低焦油香菸
low-tar cigarette
4. 焦油含量高/低/中
high/low/medium tar
5. 降低焦油含量
reduce tar content