物是人非的英文 物是人非用英語怎麼說?
things are still there, but people are no more the same ones
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 而當你意識到,已經物是人非。
When you realise you are somewhere else.
2. 還有誰知道曾經的地址呢,物是人非。
Who knew whose address this once was, or why the street name and house number long ago lodged themselves in her brain?
3. 只是多了物是人非,只是添了無可賴何。
Was only many thing is the human must, only adds has not had may depend what.
4. 或許,是因為曲終人散,終於物是人非.
Perhaps because draw to a close last Wushirenfei.
5. 一切的物是人非…我真的都可以承受嗎?
Brand new begin also means a Really end…
6. 只是物是人非,昔時已經惘惘,無法追憶。
Was only the thing is the human must, in former times already felt frustrated, was unable to recall.
7. 時光如梭, 半轉星移,轉眼間物是人非.
Time flies, and a half stars to move a blink of an eye Wushirenfei.
8. 首先物是人非,其次是遊戲引來了大量野生動物在小鎮上搞得天翻地覆。
First is the human must, next was the game brings in the massive wild animals to do earth-shaking on the small town.
9. 滄海桑田物是人非如風流轉如雲變換恍如心之軌跡永無休止不知將會停駐何方…
The place changes and gose. like a wind, like clouds, like the traces of heart, no half at the places…
10. 如今兩人相隔千里,物是人非,每天度日如年,沒有你的陪伴,長夜如此冷清寂寞。
Day seems like a year, And my nights are cold without you by my side.
物是人非,漢語成語,指景物依然如故,而人事已不同往昔。多用於懷舊感嘆。例句為“人生如酒宴,觥(gōng)籌交錯間,早已光陰荏苒、物是人非”。 該成語出自三國魏曹丕《與吳質書》“節同時異,物是人非,我勞如何?”宋代李清照《武陵春》詞:“物是人非事事休,欲語淚先流。”聯合式結構,中性詞,用作謂語、賓語、分句。 物是人非近義詞有面目全非、時過境遷、人去樓空;反義詞有一成不變、別來無恙。相關詩句有“往日繁華,而今物是人非。”
null詞 things are still there, but people are no more the same ones
things are still there, but people are no more the same ones