老總的英文 老總用英語怎麼說?
soldier n.軍人;兵蟻;麵包條;土司條;士兵;列兵;普通兵;垂直的磚
chief engineer 總工程師;輪機長
general manager 碳化纖維;碳素纖維;碳纖維
editor in chief 主編;總編輯;首席編輯
常用 權威
1. 你也許遇見了金礦的小老總?。
Did you fwhichle heir to a gold mine?
2. 這兩位老總很快就會失業的。
Both presidents would soon be looking for work.
3. 老總在大會上講的都是一些浮辭濫調.
What the boss said at the meeting is a cliche.
4. 但是我認為老總是一個華僑,
But I think the owner is a Chinese-American; .
5. 一位醫藥公司的老總對記者直言不諱.
Medicine, a company manager told reporters call a spade a spade.
6. 他不僅是一個老師,也是一個公司的老總
He is not only a teacher but also a boss of a company
7. 這之前老總組織分公司經理給大家獻歌。
Before that CEOs organizations branch manager sing for everyone.
8. 這些已經成為眾多老總們日益關注的問題.
Many of these CEOs who have become increasingly concerned about the issue.
9. 雲南對於老總來說,是一個常常去的地方。
Yunnan for bosses, is an often go.
10. 看來老總貝盧斯科尼已經失去了他們的支援。
It appeared Mister Berlusconi had lost their support.
老總,讀音為lǎo zǒng,漢語詞語。意指清末對新建官辦機構總辦的別稱,也是舊時民間對士兵、警察的稱呼。 例句有“我看老總在辦公室裡大發雷霆,我就沒敢走進去”。近義詞是總裁。
名詞 soldier [a form of address]
名詞 (the PLA's) general or commander-in-chief
名詞 chief engineer; general manager; editor in chief [a form of address]