咽痛的英文 咽痛用英語怎麼說?
sore throat 喉嚨痛;咽喉痛
常用 權威
1. 另外楊桃還是醫治咽痛的能手。
Another carambola is adept at treating sore throat.
2. 用羅勒葉煮水飲用或漱口可減緩咽痛。
Water boiled with basil leaves should be taken as a drink, and also used as a gargle to relieve a sore throat.
3. 一有咽痛
I had a sore throat and cold coming on.
4. 鹽水漱口將減輕牙痛、口腔潰瘍和咽痛。
A saltwater gargle will take the bite out of a toothache and ease the pain of canker sores and sore throats.
5. 另外如果你感到發燒,咽痛,咳嗽等不適,請及時就醫。
And if you feel fever and throat sore and cough and etc please search a medical support immediately.
6. 同時伴有咽痛、咳嗽; 也可伴發急性中耳炎、 鼻出血等;
At the same time companion has a sore throat, cough, Can be associated with onset acute otitis media, nosebleed, etc;
7. 結果兩組用藥後,在退熱、咽痛、潰瘍癒合等方面比較有統計學差異。
Results A statistical difference was found in pyretolysis, pharyngodynia, and ulcer healing between the two groups after treatment.
8. 結論:布洛芬混懸液退熱快、作用強、維持時間長,對咽痛、頭痛也有緩解療效。
Conclusions: Ibuprofen suspension can effectively reduce temperature and maintain a longer time and also relieves angina and headache.
9. 急性扁桃體炎的症狀是咽痛、吞嚥困難、發燒、不適和常見的經部兩側淋巴腺腫大。
The symptoms of acute tonsillitis are some throat with difficulty in swallowing, fever, malaise and frequently enlarged lymph glands on both sides of the neck.
咽痛(pharyngalgia)是咽部常見症狀,主要由咽部疾病引起,也可是咽部鄰近器官或全身疾病在咽部的表現。其表現有刺痛、鈍痛、燒灼痛、隱痛、脹痛、跳痛等表現,可分陣發性或持續性。疼痛程度輕重不一,視疾病的性質和患者對痛的敏感度而異。 核酸檢測陽性,確定感染新冠奧密克戎病毒時,伴隨上呼吸道感染,可能會出現咽痛症狀。已接種疫苗、無基礎疾病的中青年患者通常在第1天開始出現症狀,第2-3天症狀加劇加重,第6-7天開始減輕並好轉。如果咽痛症狀明顯,建議使用華素片、西瓜霜含片等緩解症狀。詳細可參考《新冠病毒感染者居家治療指南》《新型冠狀病毒陽性感染者居家康復專家指引》。
名詞 pharyngalgia; sore throat