世事無常的英文 世事無常用英語怎麼說?
The affairs of the world are inconstant.
常用 重點詞彙
1. 而且你永遠都不會知道,世事無常。
And you never know, things can change at any time.
2. 我和你們說,世事無常。
Let me tell you, it's very sudden.
3. 世事無常死有常.
Nothing so sure as death.
4. 你知道世事無常,一時的逆境並不重要,它們無法傷害你。
You understand that circumstances don't matter and that they have no power.
5. 我所遇到過的最大的挑戰那是害怕:害怕世事無常,害怕一著不慎滿盤皆輸,害怕堅持自己的立場。
One of the greatest challenges I faced was fear: fear of change, fear of making wrong decisions and fear of holding my point of view.
6. 問題的關鍵在於我們要學著去熱愛畏懼感,因為要是我們能和畏懼感共浴愛河,我們就會樂於享受每日裡的世事無常。
This is the point where we need to learn how to love fear because when we fall in love with our fear we tend to enjoy the feeling of uncertainty every day.
7. 你知道世事無常,禍福難料,但只要你呆在所在的軌道上不加改變,你就能夠輕鬆地確定自己的生活和事業將終歸何處。
You know there are going to be twists and turns, ups and downs, but you can easily figure out where you'll end up professionally and personally if you stay on the track you're currently on.
8. 卡什爾之石城堡: 戒備森嚴的古老寢宮僅是卡什爾之石城堡的冰山一角而已,在周圍數不盡的綠苔中,還隱藏著許多被世人遺忘於角落、記載著世事無常的古蹟。
Rock of Cashel: This ancient fortified home of kings is just the tip of the iceberg for moody and forlorn ruins hidden away in the surrounding green expanse.
世事無常,拼音是shì shì wú cháng,漢語成語,意思就是說萬事萬物都是變化的,沒有永遠固定不變的東西。這個詞有兩個層面的含義,第一就是世間的人無常,也就是人心叵測的意思;第二就是世間的事情無常,用毛澤東的話說就是人間正道是滄桑,中心思想就是世間的的萬物都是變化的,難以捉摸的,一成不變的事物是不存在的。
The affairs of the world are inconstant.