改善關係的英文 改善關係用英語怎麼說?
to improve relations
常用 重點詞彙
1. 他主動跟她改善關係。
He has taken the initiative to improve relations with her.
2. 他贊成為同一切愛好和平的國家改善關係的努力。
He favored the efforts to improve relations with all peace-loving countries.
3. 譯文:他贊成為了同所有愛好和平的國家改善關係
He favored the efforts to improve relations with all peace - loving countries.
4. 自上月日本首相安倍晉三會見韓國總統朴槿惠以來,兩國一直在推動改善關係。
The two countries have been pushing to improve relations since Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met President Park Geun-hye last month.
5. 安卡拉(土耳其方面)警告說,這個決議可能會改變和損害土耳其同亞美尼亞在改善關係方面所作的努力。
Ankara has warned that the resolution could strain ties and harm efforts to improve relations with Armenia.
6. 中美兩國應該改善關係。
China and the US should improve their relations.
7. 華盛頓對早日改善關係不抱希望。
Washington entertained little hope of an early improvement in relations.
8. 兩國提出改善關係。
Both countries made overtures for better relations between them.
9. 通常我只看到一方設法改善關係。
So often I see only one person trying to make their relationship work.
10. 這也意味著雙方擱置主權爭議,藉此改善關係.
In other words, the dispute over sovereignty is set aside in the interests of better relations.
to improve relations