雄偉壯麗的英文 雄偉壯麗用英語怎麼說?
grand adj.宏偉的;壯麗的;最大的;最重要的;好極了的;令人愉快的;很棒的;隔一代的;大的;高貴的
sublime adj.崇高的;高尚的;令人崇敬的;壯麗的;宏偉的;莊嚴的;超群的;出眾的;極端的;無雙的;無比的
常用 重點詞彙
1. 毫無疑問, 巴黎聖母院至今仍然是雄偉壯麗的建築.
The church of Notre - Dame de Paris is still no doubt, a majestic and sublime edifice.
2. 富士山之美顯得雄偉壯麗。
The beauty of Mt. Fuji is of a majestic order.
3. 富士山之美顯得雄偉壯麗.
The beauty of Mt . Fuji is of a majestic order.
4. 天安門城樓多麼雄偉壯麗!
How grand and magnificent the Tian'anmen Gate-tower is!
5. 阿爾卑斯山腳的環境雄偉壯麗。
The setting, at the foot of the Alps, is majestic.
6. 他們看到了高聳的山峰,氣勢雄偉壯麗。
They saw the lofty peak in all its majesty.
7. 同香港那些雄偉壯麗的玻璃摩天大樓相比,澳門這個城市的空中輪廓顯得呆板.
The skyline is dull compared to the imposing glass skyscrapers of Hong Kong.
8. 歷史是一座雄偉壯麗的經驗之塔,它是時間在無盡的逝去歲月中苦心搭建起來的。
History is the mighty Tower of Experience, which Time has built amidst the endless fields of bygone ages.
9. 洞內大大小小的景緻或玲瓏剔透, 或晶瑩奪目, 或婀娜多姿, 或雄偉壯麗, 無不令人驚歎.
Inside large and small landscape or Linglongti tou, or crystal - catching, or snakes, or magnificent, are astounding.
10. 雄偉壯麗的吳哥窟寺群,由歷代高棉國王於9世紀至13世紀建造,是聯合國文化遺產,吸引了大批遊客。
The imposing temple complex at Angkor, built between the ninth and 13th centuries by Khmer kings, is a UN heritage site and a big draw for visitors.
grand; sublime