講不通的英文 講不通用英語怎麼說?
unconvincing adj.不令人信服的;令人懷疑的;未給人以印象的
常用 重點詞彙
1. 是啊,我知道這講不通…
I know, it makes no sense….
2. 這些辭藻堆在一起講不通。
These words are jumbled up and make no sense.
3. 和他有理也講不通.
He was blind to all arguments.
4. 那樣的解釋講不通.
Such explanation will not go down.
5. 一下子就講得通了對嗎?不不不,還是講不通。
Makes total sense, right? No, no. It doesn't.
6. Mooimacrab的提問。嗯,這個名字講不通。
Mooimacrab. Okay, that makes no sense.
7. 感情不能作為法律調整的物件; 法律邏輯上也講不通;
The sentiment could not be taken as objective for legal adjustment, it is against logic of law;
8. 你是個非常聰明的傢伙,但是你對我說的卻完全講不通。
You're a very smart guy, and yet what you're saying to me doesn't make sense.
9. 恩,大部分都不錯,就是這個長句子有問題,這講不通啊。
En, most of that are good, there is question with the long sentence, it didn't make sense.
10. 很明顯這項權力只應歸國家所有,因為一兩個州對另一個國家宣戰是講不通的。
Obviously this power should exist only at the national level, because it doesn't make sense for one or two states to declare war against another country.