職業道德的英文 職業道德用英語怎麼說?
professional ethics 職業道德;職業操守
常用 重點詞彙
1. 在進行研究時忽視職業道德。
Losing sight of professional ethics in conducting research.
2. 對於職業道德問題我們不能不置可否。
We mustn’t adopt an indifferent attitude towards matters of professional ethics.
3. 新聞道德主要指新聞從業人員的職業道德
News morality mainly refers to the journalists ' professional ethics.
4. 工作積極主動,善於溝通有職業道德。
Work active, good Communication and professional ethics;
5. 護士職業道德是護士的行為準則,護生臨床實習階段職業道德的培養是提高護理隊伍整體素質的關鍵。
Nurse is a nurse professional ethics code of conduct, nursing students in clinical practice professional
6. 信守諾言的原則反映了職業道德準則和普遍的社會道德觀.
The principles of good faith reflect professional ethics and general social morality.
7. 本文就會計人員職業道德的建設談幾點看法。
In this paper, the accounting staff on the construction of professional ethics to make a few remarks.
8. 從挖掘職業道德教育實踐基地的含義、必要性入手,探討提高高專院校學生的職業道德教育的具體措施。
This paper will be focused on the connotation of professional ethics and its necessity, research methods, concrete measures and its effectiveness.
9. 裁判的文化修養直接地影響著他的職業道德、業務水平和工作態度。
The artistic appreciation of the judge directly affects his professional ethics , professional skill and work attitude.
10. 律師職業道德是從事律師職業的人,在執行律師職務、履行工作職責時,所信奉的道德規範和行動上所遵守的行為準則。
Professional ethics for lawyers refer to the system of moral principles and rules of conduct observed by lawyers when doing their duties.
職業道德,就是同人們的職業活動緊密聯絡的符合職業特點所要求的道德準則、道德情操與道德品質的總和,它既是對本職人員在職業活動中的行為標準和要求,同時又是職業對社會所負的道德責任與義務。 職業道德是指人們在職業生活中應遵循的基本道德,即一般社會道德在職業生活中的具體體現。是職業品德、職業紀律、專業勝任能力及職業責任等的總稱,屬於自律範圍,它透過公約、守則等對職業生活中的某些方面加以規範。 職業道德既是本行業人員在職業活動中的行為規範,又是行業對社會所負的道德責任和義務。
professional ethics