擴大規模的英文 擴大規模用英語怎麼說?
enlarge the scale
常用 重點詞彙
1. 那個私營部門已經得到普遍認可並有可能擴大規模。
The private sector is here to stay and likely to expand.
2. 擴大規模需要連貫性。
Scale requires consistency.
3. 那好驚人。並且非常天才,這個解決方案能夠將已經有的規模再擴大規模。
So that is astonishing. And the genius of doing that and a solution that can scale where there's already scale.
4. 這一改變有利於公司擴大規模,有利於市場的繁榮和發展。
This change would enlarge the corporation and benefit the market.
5. 逢五逢十的國慶日,有的還要擴大規模的慶祝活動。
Meets five meets for ten National Days, some also must expand the celebration scale.
6. 比起基於軟體的發明,基於物理或化學的發明更難擴大規模。
It's much harder to scale up a physical or chemical invention than it is a software-based invention.
7. 其他可能需要增加知名度和財務幫助來擴大規模,維持影響力。
Others may simply need a boost in visibility and financial support to move through scale-up and sustained impact.
8. 我們仔細分析了原因,如果這些專案效果顯著,為什麼不能擴大規模?
So we looked into why, if these things actually work, why don't they actually scale?
9. 一般腹中是淡黃、白色或灰色,腹側擴大規模往往與黑色刃。
Generally the belly is pale yellow, white or grey , the enlarged ventral scales often edged with black.
10. 很多在上海上市的公司確實需要新的資金注入用於擴大規模。
Many of the companies seeking a Shanghai listing really do need fresh funds to fuel expansion.
expand; amplify; broaden; extend; enlarge
scale; scope; large-scale