等待時間的英文 等待時間用英語怎麼說?
wait time
常用 重點詞彙
1. 利用等待時間完成小任務。
Use waiting time for small tasks.
2. 讓你完全省去解壓的等待時間!
WinMount let you completely avoid decompression of waiting time!
3. 本次通話預期的等待時間會…………長於我們希望你等待的時間。
The anticipated waiting time for this call is . . . longer than we would expect you to wait.
4. 和所有其它操作時間相比,其等待時間可以忽略的儲存器。-- 來源 …
The storage for which the latency ( waiting time ) is negligible at all times.
5. 漫長的等待時間:當你必須等上幾個小時才能得到食物的時候。
A long waiting time: When you have to wait hours for your food.
6. 進一步,顯式給出了到達最優時點的平均等待時間。
Finally the mean waiting
7. 它在主題公園的景點前公佈預計的等待時間。
It posts estimated waiting times for attractions in its theme parks.
8. 這種演算法根據平均佇列長度和等待時間計算資料包的丟棄機率.
The algorithm calculated packet loss rate according to the average queue length and waiting time.
9. 所有肺移植中心附錄,包括等待時間和進行移植的數目;
Glossary; appendix of all lung transplant centers, including waiting time and the number of transplants performed;
10. 這項技術為所有交叉口計算一個單一的週期時間並將這個週期時間分割成每一個交叉口的綠燈時間,而後調整相位差,以便將等待時間減至最少。
It computes a single cycle time for all intersections, splits this cycle time into green times for each intersection and then adjusts offset times in order to minimise waiting times.
中文名:等待時間 英文對照:ofwaitingtime;waitingtimeis;waitingtime;waittime;latencytime。
wait time