搞清楚的英文 搞清楚用英語怎麼說?
figure out 弄清;找出;計算出
get it right 搞定;答對;(使)瞭解清楚
常用 重點詞彙
1. 沒有哪個普通人想搞清楚自己的洗衣機和平板電腦合不合得來。
No average person wants to figure out whether their washing machine and tablet get along.
2. 搞清楚自己到底想從生活中得到什麼。
Step #2 – Figure out what you really want out of life.
3. 我要去搞清楚發生什麼了,下次再見!
Huh... I'm gonna go figure out what happened, and I'll see you next time!
4. 在開始之前,我們先搞清楚什麼是白天追女策略.
Before we get started we need to figure out what Day Game is.
5. 研究人員仍在試圖搞清楚這個瀑布是如何運作的。
Researchers are still trying to figure out
6. 我花了很長的時間去搞清楚這個東西是不是行星。
I spent a long time trying to figure out if this thing were a planet or not.
7. 我們仔細檢查了所有的器官,試圖搞清楚問題所在。
And we actually looked through all their organs and tried to figure out what was going on.
8. 一旦你有了一些已建立的列表,那就是時候搞清楚誰可以看什麼了。
Once you have some lists created, it's time to figure out who gets to see what.
9. 首先你要搞清楚,哪個基因控制果蠅的擇食,這已經是很複雜的專案了。
First, you'd have to figure out which genes control what the fly wants to eat, which is already a very long and complicated project.
10. 這就是和無名指弗雷德處理這種情況的方法:停止見面,讓他搞清楚自己的生活。
Here's how you and Ring Finger Fred can handle this situation now: Stop seeing each other; let him figure out his life.
figure out; get it right