起著重要作用的英文 起著重要作用用英語怎麼說?
play an important role 扮演重要角色
常用 重點詞彙
1. 小丑在馬戲團起著重要作用.
Clow play an important role in a circus.
2. 壩體材料及結構型式也起著重要作用.
Dam body material and structural pattern play an important role too.
3. 空中交通管制對於保障民航飛行安全起著重要作用.
Air traffic control play
4. 染色體畸變和基因突變在男性不育中起著重要作用.
Chromosome aberrant and some gene mutations play an important role in male infertility.
5. 我們認為SC 在早期炎症反應中起著重要作用。
We hypothesize that SC play an important role in the response to early inflammatory injury.
6. VEGF 在惡性黑色素瘤的發展和轉移中起著重要作用。
The expression of VEGF might play an important role in the development and metastasis of MM.
7. 結論在白血病細胞異常增殖中自分泌VEGF可能起著重要作用.
Conclusion The autocrine VEGF may play an important role in the abnormal proliferation of leukemic cells.
8. 結論對前牙開畸形進行分類在診斷和矯治設計中起著重要作用。
Conclusion It suggested that classification play an important role in diagnosis and decision making procedure.
9. 結論膿毒症大鼠肺組織的AI明顯增加,細胞凋亡可能在膿毒症ALI發生 、發展中起著重要作用.
Conclusion Apoptosis may play an important role in the development of ALI.
10. 提示出非穩定週期軌道在神經不規則放電節律的動力學之中起著重要作用。
These results suggest that the UPO play an important role in the dynamics of the irregular firing pattern of neur…
play an important role