關注焦點的英文 關注焦點用英語怎麼說?
focus of concern
常用 重點詞彙
1. 這一代人使環境成為關注焦點。
This generation has made the environment a focus of attention.
2. 除非有爆發戰爭的可能,否則國家政治仍是關注焦點。
Unless war threatened, national politics remained the focus of attention.
3. 正在成長的學習科學的關注焦點是關於解決教育技巧和教學理論。
Learning sciences are a growing area of focus dealing instructional techniques and learning theories.
4. 情緒記憶中性別差異是一個新的關注焦點。
This phenomenon is known as the emotional enhancement of memory(EEM).
5. 文章摘要:地膜殘留已經成為中國近年來農田生態環境的關注焦點。
Abstr: Plastic film residue has become a focus of ecological-environment in Chinese farmland recently.
6. 但市場人士關注焦點始終是緊張激烈的大選結果。
But the wind-up of the grueling presidential race dominated participants' attention.
7. 儘管美國在國際會計準則委員會中擁有席位,但代表名額數量仍是關注焦點。
Even though America has seats on its board, there is concern that it will be under-represented.
8. 儘管美國在國際會計準則委員會中擁有席位, 但代表名額數量仍是關注焦點.
Even though America has seats on its board, there is concern that it will be under - represented.
9. 在對賈島的研究中,其獨特詩風歷來是學界關注焦點,研究成果斐然。
In the research of Jia Dao, his unique poetry style has always been the focus that everybody has paid close attention to and the achievement is very good.
10. 對於Jane,Maida和Susan我僅輔導了一個月,正好足以幫助調整她們的關注焦點。
I worked with Jane, Maida, and Susan for only a month—just enough time to adjust their focus.
focus of concern