情緒崩潰的英文 情緒崩潰用英語怎麼說?
emotional flooding
常用 重點詞彙
1. 你是否曾有過哭得停不下來或猛烈抨擊的情緒崩潰時刻。
Have you ever had an emotional breakdown where you couldn't stop crying or lashing out.
2. 那是個情緒崩潰的好地方因為別人都懶得理你。
Which is a great place to do it because nobody cares.
3. 即使當我情緒崩潰
Even if sometimes I break down and want to drown myself into junk food and drinks, I would go to Hongkonese Vita lemon tea.
4. 新娘立刻就情緒崩潰、淚如雨下,婚禮上的賓客們也驚慌失措,紛紛前來勸說,企圖解除爭端。
The bride immediately collapsed in a fit of tears as panicked wedding guests stepped in to try to resolve the dispute.
5. 精神上,我的情緒崩潰了。生理上,我在生產過程中大出血,還有嚴重撕裂傷,我幾乎起不來床,也無法坐立或行走。
Emotionally, I was a wreck. Physically, I had a severe hemorrhage during labor, and major tearing, so I could barely get up, sit or walk.
emotional flooding