沒日沒夜的英文 沒日沒夜用英語怎麼說?
(work) day and night/night and day
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 沒日沒夜。
Day and night.
2. 沒日沒夜的工作對他的精力和健康消耗極大.
Working day and night is a great drain on his strength and health.
3. 一個個都把自己整得像個陀螺, 沒日沒夜的轉悠.
A whole have their own like a gyroscope, around the day
4. 哥哥沒日沒夜地打工賺錢就是為了早日還清印子錢.
Brother worked hard day and night to pay the usurer as soon as possible.
5. 配上上百座小型炮,他們沒日沒夜地轟炸。
Together with more than a hundred smaller guns, they kept up a steady bombardment day and night.
6. 僅僅是在紙堆裡面沒日沒夜的工作是不能幫你得到晉升的。
Just being buried under piles of paper day and night is not enough for you to get promoted.
7. 他重新振作,沒日沒夜地工作,讓他的身體和心思無暇顧及自己。
When he regained his confidence, he worked hard day and night, slogging his body and mind just to make something out of himself.
8. 想要升職,僅僅靠沒日沒夜地埋頭在檔案堆裡是不夠的。這裡有一些妙招也許能讓上司對你刮目相看。
Just being buried under piles of paper day and night is not enough for you to get promoted. Here are some methods to draw favorable attention from your boss.
9. 沒日沒夜地幹活對身體沒好處。
Working round the clock does no good to your health.
10. 它沒日沒夜地下,一直不停。
It fell night and day, without stopping.
沒日沒夜,漢語成語,拼音是méi rì méi yè,意思猶言不分白天夜晚。
null詞 (work) day and night/night and day
1. 沒日沒夜地幹活對身體沒好處。
Working round the clock does no good to your health.
(work) day and night/night and day