近代史的英文 近代史用英語怎麼說?
modern history n.近代史
1. 中國近代史課本上限1840年,下限1919年。
This textbook on Chinese modern history spans the period from 1840 to 1919.
2. 使旅順成為中國乃至世界近代史上的露天博物館。
Port Arthur to make China's modern history and the world at large open-air museum.
3. 吐魯番和敦煌文獻在近代史上擁有相似的歷史經歷.
Documents from Turfan and Dunhuang shared similar fate in modern history of China.
4. 它已經成功的公佈了近代史上的最大量的機密資訊。
It has achieved the biggest disclosure of classified information in modern history.
5. 歷史回頭看時,獨生子女政策將會是中國近代史的一項最嚴重的錯誤。
History will look back to see the one-child policy as one of the most glaring policy mistakes that China has made in its modern history.
6. 因此 ,近代史研究的進一步深入發展還有待於史學界做出相當艱辛的努力。
Therefore, a further development in modern history study still waits for pain taking efforts of the historians.
7. 我們暫且以中國近代史為分水嶺 ,分別以別琴英語和中國英語來區分廣州英語、上海洋涇浜英語等早期的洋涇浜英語和現代的洋涇浜英語。
Such terms as Pidgin English and Chinese English are adopted to distinguish Canton English and Shanghai Pidgin English in Chinese modern history from the contemporary Pidgin Chinese English.
8. 但是這只是紐倫堡的近代史。
But this is only the contemporary history of Nuremberg.
9. 多年後他來到北京研究中國近代史。
Years later, he moved to Beijing to study pre-modern Chinese history.
10. 懂得一下中國近代史,對研究中國反動是有扶植的。
An linke with the modern Chinese history is helpful to the study of Chinese revolution.