裝樣子的英文 裝樣子用英語怎麼說?
put on an act/show; do sth for appearance's sake
常用 權威
1. 我希望這次修改不只是裝裝樣子。
I hope the amendment will not be just a gesture.
2. 他們都在裝樣子,並不是真幹。
[mass noun]they are all show and no go.
3. 我知道你不想做這件事,不過我想你最好還是做一下裝裝樣子。
I know you don’t want to do this, but I think you’d better go through the motions.
4. 他並不真的那麼好-他只是裝裝樣子罷了。
He's not really that good-he's only giving himself airs.
5. 政府的轉變更多的是裝裝樣子,而不是真的。
The change in government is more for show than for real.
6. 這組茶具只是外表象古董;他的笑容只是裝裝樣子;
This antique tea service is just for show . His smile was for show .
7. 這個選手看來沉著自信,其實是在裝樣子。
The player appeared calm and confident but it was just an act.
8. 她愉快地笑了,但是我知道那不過是裝樣子。
She smiled cheerfully, but I knew she was only acting a part.
9. 客人並不喜歡這種飯菜,他們只是裝樣子吃一點。
The guests didn't like the food, but they made a pretence of eating some of it.
10. 那麼問題來了,對於你送的禮物,如何來判斷對方是真的喜歡還是隻是裝裝樣子呢?
But just how do you tell if someone genuinely likes their gift, or is masking disappointment?
裝樣子,讀音zhuāng yàng zi,漢語詞語,指假裝一副情態;裝模作樣。
動詞 put on an act/show; do sth for appearance's sake