工作壓力的英文 工作壓力用英語怎麼說?
working/operating pressure
常用 重點詞彙
1. 資料中有關膠管的動態工作壓力是指膠管連續工作時允許的最高壓力。
The dynamic working pressure in this catalog refers to the allowable maximum pressure in condition of continuously working.
2. 做事有責任心,能夠承受高負荷的工作壓力;
Be responsible and bear high working
3. 分離器的額定工作壓力是10兆帕。
The rated working pressure of the separator is 10 MPa.
4. 當你的大腦一天到晚都在想工作的時候, 工作壓力就形成了.
When your cerebrum day in day out in wants to work, the working pressure formed.
5. 工作壓力和激烈的競爭是導致這一現象的主要因素.
Working pressure and heated competition are the major factors behind the phenomenon.
6. 在工作壓力範圍內,無需調整,節能效果顯著。
There needs no adjustment within working pressure, excellent, excellent abilities to save energy.
7. 誠實,責任心及溝通能力強。有良好的語言文字表達能力。能承受工作壓力。
Honest, responsible person with good communication skills and can endure working pressure.
8. 探討了工作壓力對噴射器效能的影響。
The ejector performances under different working pressures were analyzed.
9. 按照有關國際標準規定的液壓膠管的安全係數,我們推薦的工作壓力通常為膠管最低爆破壓力值的四分之一。
According to the safety modulus of hydraulic hose ruled by international standard, we recommend that the working pressure is one forth of the minimum blast pressures.
10. 圓壓圓模切是線接觸.工作壓力小產品成型穩定性好, 幾何形狀, 尺寸準確.
Rotary cutting is line contact working pressure stability of small moulding, geometric shapes, dimensions and accurate.
《工作壓力》是2007年1月由中國輕工業出版社出版的圖書,作者是美國蘇爾斯凱、史密斯,譯者馬劍紅。 該書介紹了多個學科關於工作壓力研究模型的關鍵內容和成果,評述了工作壓力的測量指標和研究方法,深入分析了造成工作壓力的因素及其在工作壓力形成過程中的作用,多角度、多層面地提出了壓力應對和管理方案以及個體應對策略和社會支援系統。
working/operating pressure