
General 更新 2024年10月06日



  I. 要點

  A. 形容詞

  1、 形容詞的基本用法


  He is honest and hardworking.

  I found the book interesting.


  The rich and the poor live in different parts of the city.

  The English like to be with their families.



  the second five interesting big new red Chinese wall papers.

  2、 形容詞比較等級的形式

  ***1*** 規則形式

  一般說來,單音節詞及少數雙音節詞在後加-er; --est 來構成比較級和最高階;其他雙音節詞及多音節詞在前加more, most.如:

  great-greater-greatest busy-busier-busiest

  important-more important-***the***most important

  ***2*** 不規則形式

  good ***well***-better-best bad ***ill***-worse-worst

  many ***much***-more-most little-less-least

  ***3*** 形容詞比較等級的用法

  ①表示兩者的比較,用形容詞的比較級+than. 如:

  He is cleverer than the other boys.

  This one is more beautiful than that one.

  ②表示兩者以上的比較,用"the +形容詞最高階***+名詞***+of***in*** …"如:

  He is the cleverest boy in his class.

  ③表示兩者是同等程度,用"as +形容詞原級+as". 如:

  He is as tall as I.

  I have as many books as you.

  ④ 越… 越…

  例如:The more I learn, the happier I am.

  ⑤ You can never be too careful. 越小心越好

  又如:You can never praise the teacher too highly.你怎麼讚揚這個老師也不過分。

  ⑥ I have never spent a more worrying day.那一天是最令我擔心的一天。

  I have never had a better dinner.這是我吃過的最好的一頓飯。

  ⑦ My English is no better than yours.我的英語和你的英語都不怎麼樣。


  1、 副詞的種類

  ***1*** 時間副詞 如:ago, before, already, just, now, early, late, finally, tomorrow等

  ***2*** 地點副詞 如:here, there, near, around, in, out, up, down, back, away, outside等。

  ***3*** 方式副詞 如:carefully, angrily, badly, calmly, loudly, quickly, politely, nervously等。

  ***4*** 程度副詞 如:almost, nearly, much, greatly, a bit, a little, hardly, so, very等。

  2、 副詞比較等級的用法


  Of all the boys he sings ***the*** most beautifully.

  We must work harder.

  3、 某些副詞在用法上的區別

  ***1*** already, yet, still


  We've already watched that film.

  I haven't finished my homework yet.

  He still works until late every night.

  ***2*** too, as well, also, either

  too, as well和 also用於肯定句和疑問句,too和as well多用於口語,一般放在句末,而also多用於書面語,一般放在句中與動詞連用。either用於否定句和否定的疑問句,往往放在句末。如:

  He went there too.

  He didn't go there either.

  I like you as well.

  I also went there.

  ***3*** hard, hardly


  I work hard every day.

  I can hardly remember that.

  ***4*** late, lately


  He never comes late.

  Have you been to the museum lately?


  I. 要點

  1、 介詞和種類

  ***1*** 簡單介詞,常用的有at, in, on, about, across, before, beside, for , to, without等。

  ***2*** 複合介詞,如by means of, along with, because of, in front of, instead of等。

  2、 介詞和其他詞類的習慣搭配關係

  ***1*** 和動詞的搭配,如agree with, ask for, belong to, break away from, care about等。

  ***2*** 和形容詞的搭配,如afraid of, angry with, different from, good at

  ***3*** 和名詞的搭配,如answer to , key to, reason for, cause of, visit to等.

  3、 介詞短語可以有自己的修飾語,這種修飾語通常有right, just, badly, all, well, directly, completely等少數幾個副詞。如:

  He came right after dinner.

  He lives directly opposite the school.

  4、 某些介詞的意義與用法舉例

  ***1*** at, on, in


  表示時間點,某一時刻/年齡用at,如at four o'clock, at midnight, at the age of等;表示不確定的時間或短期假日也用at,如at that time, at Christmas等。

  指某天用on, on表示星期幾/某一具體的日子/具體某天的上午/下午/晚上,表示一天中的三個時間段名詞前有修飾語或後有修飾語時如on Monday, on the end of November等。

  in表示時間段,一天的三個時間段以及月份,年,季節,世紀,人生的某個時期***某人幾十歲時***  in the morning/afternoon /evening, in spring /in 2007/in March, in the twenty-first century, in his fifties。


  1***at 一般指較小的地點或較具體的位置

  at the station at the cinema

  2***in 表示在較大的地點或一個有限空間裡.

  in China in the classroom

  3***on 指在某物體的表面上.

  on the desk

  注意: 寫街道時,若有門牌號用at ,否則用on / in 都可.

  He lives at 270 DongChang’an Street.

  ***2*** between, among***表位置***

  between僅用於二者之間,但說三者或三者以上中的每兩個之間的相互關係時,也用between, 如

  I'm sitting between Tom and Alice.

  The village lies between three hills.


  He is the best among the students.

  ***3*** beside, besides


  He sat beside me.

  What do you want besides this?

  ***4*** in the tree, on the tree

  on the tree 表示 “樹上本身長的東西” 在樹上. 而in the tree 表示 “外界的物體進入樹中” 人或物在樹上.

  There are some apples _____ the tree .

  There is a boy ____ the tree

  ***5*** on the way, in the way, by the way, in this way

  on the way 指在路上 in the way 指擋道by the way 指順便問一句 in this way 用這樣的方法

  ***6*** in the corner, at the corner

  in the corner 指在拐角內 at the corner 指在拐角外

  ***7*** in the morning, on the morning

  in the morning 是一般說法 on the morning 特指某一天的早晨

  ***8*** by bus, on the bus

  by bus 是一般說法 on the bus 特指乘某一輛車

  ***9*** 介詞in /on / to 表方位:


  Tanwan is ____ the southeast of China .


  Hubei is ____ the north of Hunan .


  Japan is _____ the east of China .

  ***10*** after / in 在……之後


  1***after + 時間段. 表示以過去某一時刻為起點的一段時間之後, 用於過去時.

  2***after 作介詞. after doing sth

  in +一段時間. 表示說話時或以現在為起點的將來一段時間之後.用於將來時.

  He came back ______ two days .

  He will go home___finishing his homework .

  He will come back _____ two days .

  ***11*** with / in / by 表示 “用……”

  with 表示 “用…” 一般指有形的工具 / 手段 / 人體器官.

  He cut the apple into halves ____ a knife .

  注: with 表伴隨, “帶有,含有”

  He came in _____ a big smile on his face .

  in表示用某種語言,方式,途徑. 或書寫/繪畫所用的材料. 也可表交通方式.

  Can you say it _____English ?

  He wrote a letter ____ blue ink .

  by表示乘坐交通工具, 表示方式,方法

  I study for a test _____ working with a group .

  He makes a living ____ selling newspapers .

  注意: 同義詞組

  1***.by phone = on the phone

  2***.by car = in a car

  3***.in pen = with a pen = with pens

  ***12*** across / through / over / by 經過

  across 指橫穿,穿過. 表示動作從某一物體表面上經過.

  through 指穿過,透過,表示從某一物體空間內通過.

  over 表示從某人或某物的上空經過或越過,不與表面接觸.

  by 表示從某人/某物的旁邊經過.

  Can you swim ______ the river ?

  The elephant is so big that it can’t go _____ the gate .

  I don’t think anyone can jump ___ the fence.

  I walked _____ the bank of China yesterday .

  ***13*** in front of / in the front of

  in the front of 表示在…….內部的前面

  in front of 表示在……外面的前面

  There is a desk in _____ front of our classroom .

  There is a big tree in _____ front of our classroom.

  ***14*** .其它介詞的用法:


  1***.表示 “從事或正在做某事”,其後加的名詞往往不加冠詞.

  She is at work now = She is working now .

  2***at表示 “價格或速度”

  The train ran at 120 kilometres an hour .


  1***in表示 “在……方面”

  片語:do well in = be good at

  be weak in

  2***in 表示 “穿著”後接表顏色的詞或衣服.

  片語: be in +衣服 = be wearing +衣服

  3***in作副詞, “在家” = at home

  3.like 的用法:

  1***.像/和……一樣. 常與系動詞連用.

  片語: look like sound like

  2***.與what 連用, “是什麼樣子, 怎樣”.

  What is he like ? He is kind .


  1***.從……下來, 脫離某物體.

  片語: fall off

  2***. “休假”通常放在時間名詞之後.

  片語: have +時間+ off

  He hasn’t had a night off for two hours .

  5.except / besides

  1***.except 除了…….之外, 都……. . 不包括在範圍之內.

  注: nothing but … 除了……之外,什麼也沒有.

  2***.besdies除了……之外,還有…… . 包括在範圍之內.

  We all went swimming ______ Lucy .

  There is _______ a letter in the box .

  We study Japanese and French____ English .

  6.with / without

  1***.with具有,含有 -----反義詞: without 沒有

  片語: with the help of = with one’s help =because of = thanks to

  without one’s help

  2***.without 的用法:

  A***.without + sb./ sth. 沒有某人或某物

  B***.without + doing sth .

  He left here without____***say *** “Goodbye”to us

  C***. without sth 常與if 引導的否定的條件句.

  If there is no water , we can’t live .= We can’t live ______ _______ .

  7.since / for

  注: since / for 用於現在完成時.

  1***.since :

  a***.since +時間點

  b***. 現在完成時+ since +一般過去時

  c***.since +一段時間+ ago.

  2***for: for +一段時間= since +一段時間+ ago

  8.be made +介詞的區別:

  be made of 由…製成 ***看得見原材料***

  be made from由…製成 ***看不見原材料***

  be made in +地點 由哪兒生產

  be made by sb. 由某人制造

  9.表示 “數量的介詞”

  about , round around over

  1***. about , round around表示 “大約……”

  2***.over 表示 “超過”= more than.

  10.inside / outside

  Inside 在……裡面 ------反義詞:outside在….外面

  11.in the wall /on the wall

  in the wall 表示“門窗在牆上” on the wall 表示“某東西張貼或掛在牆上”

  12. 不用介詞的情況:

  1***.當時間狀為: tonight, today, yesterday, tomorrow 等時,不用介詞.

  What are you going to do tonight ?

  2***.含有this, that, these, those, last, next, every, each等時間狀語.

  He went to Wuhan last week .

  3***.以all 開頭的時間狀語前面不用介詞.

  He has worked all day .

  4***.以some ,any, one 等構成的時間狀語前不用介詞
