在中國,會見親朋好友或在春節期間拜訪某人時,除了握手之外,拱手禮 ***fist-and-palm salute***也是常見的禮儀。拱手禮是中國古代重要的禮儀,有著2000 多年的歷史。它形成於西周時期,後來成為同輩人見面時的禮儀。中國人以距離表示對他人的尊重,不像西方人常以身體的親近表示尊重。拱手禮保持一定的距離,比較符合現代衛生***hygiene***要求。因此很多禮學專家***etiquette expert***都認為,拱手禮是一種最恰當的交往禮儀。
In China,besides handshaking,when meeting friends and relatives, or paying a visit to someone during the Spring Festival,the fist-and-palm salute is also common etiquette. It is an important etiquette in ancient China with a history of more than 2,000 years. The fist-and-palm salute was formed in the West Zhou Dynasty, and later it became the etiquette when meeting peers. Chinese people show their respect to others through distance,which is different from Western people who usually show respect through physical closeness. Fist-and-palm salute is done from certain distance, which is in line with modem hygiene requirements. So many etiquette experts believe that fist-and-palm salute is the most appropriate communication etiquette.
1.拜訪某人:其中“拜訪”可譯為pay a visit to, call on或drop in。
2.除了握手之外:“除了…之外”可譯為besides或apart from。
3.同輩人見面時的禮儀:可譯為the etiquette when meeting peers。
4.中國人以距離表示對他人的尊重:“表示對他人的尊重,”可譯為show their respect to others; “以距離”也就是“通過距離”,可譯為through distance。
5.身體的親近:可譯為名詞結構physical closeness。
6.符合現代衛生要求:“符合”即“與…一致”,可譯為be in line with。
當我們提到“過年”的時候,你腦子裡首先想到的是什麼?有紅燈籠、紅對聯 ***couplets***、紅爆竹和紅色的中國結。的確,紅色對於中國人是不可或缺的一種顏色。中國紅意味著平安、喜慶、和諧、團圓,意味著事事順利、祛病除災。有人這麼形容中國紅:中國紅吸納了朝陽最富生命力的元素,採擷了晚霞最絢麗迷人的光芒,凝聚著血液最濃稠活躍的成分,融人了相思豆***jequirity***最細膩的情感,浸染了楓葉最成熟的晚秋意象。
When we talk about “Chinese New Year' what occurs to your mind first? They are red lanterns, red couplets, red firecrackers and red Chinese knots. Indeed,red is an indispensable color for Chinese people.Chinese red means peace, joy, harmony,and reunion; it also means everything goes well and it can drive away illness and disaster. Someone describes Chinese red in this way: Chinese red absorbs the most dynamic element of the rising sun; it picks the most beautiful and charming light of sunset glow;it embodies the thickest and most active ingredient of blood;it contains the most delicate emotions of jequirity;and it shapes the imagery of maple leaves in late autumn.
1.腦子裡首先想到的是什麼:可譯為what occurs toone's mind first?或what comes to one's mind first?
3.事事順利:可譯為everything goes well。
4.祛病除災:這裡面的“驅”和“除”表達同樣的含義,可用drive away表達,故此 處可譯為 drive away illness anddisaster。
5.吸納了朝陽最富生命力的元素:“吸納”即absorb,“朝陽”即“升起的太陽”, 譯為the rising sun,“富有生命力的元素”可譯為dynamic element。
6.採擷了晚霞最絢麗迷人的光芒:“採擷”可譯為pick,“絢麗迷人的光芒”可譯為beautiful and charminglight,“晚霞”可譯為sunset glow。
9.最細膩的情感:可譯為the most delicate emotions。
10.浸染了楓葉最成熟的晚秋意象:可以理解為“***中國紅***塑造了晚秋時節楓葉最成熟的意象”,故可譯為 itshapes the most mature imagery of maple leaves in late autumn。其中,shape意為“塑造”,imagery意為“意象”。
Doing good is also known as “doing good deeds” inChina. Being glad to do good deeds is closelyassociated with excellent qualities such as tolerance,justice and kindness, etc., and it is a traditionalChinese virtue. Chinese people have alwaysconsidered it a happy deed to help others, and offer to help those in trouble with full-heartedenthusiasm. This kind of help is very selfless no matter the relationship between the helpedand the helper is intimate or not, and it requires nothing from others. People consider helpingothers as a noble obligation, and in the process of doing this they improve and perfect theirown soul and morals. This good virtue has taken root in the hearts of the Chinese peoplenowadays. It has become commonplace in China that if one person or one place is in trouble,people from all quarters will offer to help.
1.行善:即“做好事”,可譯為do good或do good deeds。
2.和...緊密聯絡在一起:可譯為be closely associated。
3.不分親疏遠近:可理解為“不管被幫助人和幫助人的關係親密與否”,故翻譯為no matter the relationshipbetween the helped and the helper is intimate ornot。
4.在...中紮根:可譯為take root in。
5.一方有難,八方支援:可譯為if one person or one place is in trouble, people from all quarters willoffer to help。其中all quarters意為“四面八方”。