
General 更新 2025年03月03日


  Pronouncing a language is a skill. Every normal person is expert in the skill of pronouncing his own language; but few people are even moderately proficient at pronouncing foreign languages. Now there are many reasons for this, some obvious, some perhaps not so obvious. But I suggest that the fundamental reason why people in general do not speak foreign languages very much better than they do is that they fail to grasp the true nature of the problem of learning to pronounce, and consequently never set about tackling it in the right way. Far too many people fail to realize that pronouncing a foreign language is a skill—one that needs careful training of a special kind, and one that cannot be acquired by just leaving it to take care of itself. I think even teachers of language, while recognizing the importance of good accent, tend to neglect, in their practical teaching, the branch of study concerned with speaking the language. So the first point I want to make is that English pronunciation must be taught; the teacher should be prepared to devote some of the lesson time to this, and by his whole attitude to the subject should get the student feel that there is a matter worthy of receiving his close attention. So, there should be occasions when other aspects of English, such as grammar or spelling, are allowed for the moment to take second place.

  Apart from this question of the time given to pronunciation, there are two other requirements for the teacher: the first, knowledge; the second, technique.

  It is important that the teacher should be in possession of the necessary information. This can generally be obtained from books. It is possible to get from books some idea of the mechanics of speech, and of what we call general phonetic theory. It is also possible in this way to get a clear mental picture of the relationship between the sounds of different languages, between the speech habits of English people and those, say, of your students. Unless the teacher has such a picture, any comments he may make on his students pronunciation are unlikely to be of much use, and lesson time spent on pronunciation may well be time wasted.

  1.What does the writer actually say about pronouncing foreign languages?

  A.Only a few people are really proficient.

  B.No one is really an expert in the skill.

  C.There aren‘t many people who are even fairly good.

  D.There are even some people who are moderately proficient.

  2.The writer argues that going about the problem of pronunciation in the wrong ways ___.

  A.an obvious cause of not grasping the problem correctly

  B.a fundamental consequence of not speaking well

  C.a consequence of not grasping the problem correctly

  D.not an obvious cause of speaking poorly

  3.The best way of learning to speak a foreign language, he suggests, is by ___.

  A.picking it up naturally as a child

  B.learning from a native speaker

  C.not concentrating on pronunciation much

  D.undertaking systematic work

  4.The value the student puts on correct speech habits depends upon ___.

  A.how closely he attends to the matter

  B.whether it is English that is being taught

  C.his teacher‘s approach to pronunciation

  D.the importance normally given to grammar and spelling

  5.How might the teacher find himself wasting lesson time?

  A.By spending lesson time on pronunciation.

  B.By making ill-informed comments upon pronunciation.

  C.By not using books on phonetics in the classroom.

  D.By not giving students a clear mental picture of the different between sounds.




  Until recently, women in advertisements wore one of three things—an apron, a glamorous dress or a frown. Although that is now changing, many women still feel angry enough to deface offending advertisements with stickers protesting, “This ad degrades women.” Why does this sort of advertising exist? How can advertisers and ad agencies produce, sometimes, after months of research, advertising that offends the consumer?

  The Advertising Standards Authority ***the body which deals with complaints about print media*** is carrying out research into how women feel about the way they are portrayed in advertisements. Its conclusions are likely to be what the advertising industry already knows: although women often irritated by the way they are seen in ads, few feel strongly enough to complain.

  Women are not the only victims of poor and boring stereotypes—in many TV commercials men are seen either as useless, childish oafs who are unable to perform the simplest household tasks, or as in considerate boors, permanently on the lookout for an escape to the pub. But it is women who seem to bear the brunt of the industry‘s apparent inability to put people into an authentic present-day context.

  Yet according to Emma Bennett, executive creative director of a London advertising agency, women are not infuriated by stereotypes and sexist advertising. It tends to wash over them, they are not militant or angry—they just find it annoying or tiresome. They reluctantly accept outdated stereotypes, but heave a sigh of relief when an advertisement really gets it right.

  She says that it is not advertising‘s use of the housewife role that bothers women, but the way in which it is handles. “Researchers have often asked the wrong questions. The most important thing is the advertisement’s tone of voice. Women hate being patronized, flattered or given desperately down-to-earth commonsense advice.”

  In the end, the responsibility for good advertising must be shared between the advertiser, the advertising agency and the consumer. Advertising does not set trends but it reflects them. It is up to the consumer to tell advertisers where they fail, and until people on the receiving end take the business seriously and make their feelings known, the process of change will remain laboriously slow.

  1.Despite recent changes in attitudes, some advertisements still fail to ___.

  A.change women‘s opinions of themselves

  B.show any understanding of people‘s feelings

  C.persuade the public to buy certain products

  D.meet the needs of the advertising industry

  2.According to the writer, the commonest fault of present day advertising is to ___.

  A.condemn the role of the housewife

  B.ignore protests about advertisements

  C.present a misleading image of women

  D.misrepresent the activities of men

  3.Research suggests that the reaction of women towards misrepresentation by advertisement is ___.





  4.Emma Bennett suggests that advertisement ought to ___.

  A.give further emphasis to practical advice

  B.change their style rather than their content

  C.use male images instead of female ones

  D.pay more compliments to women than before

  5.Ultimately the advertising industry should ___.

  A.take its job more earnestly

  B.do more pioneering work

  C.take notice of the public opinion

  D.concentrate on the products advertised.


