
General 更新 2025年02月02日



  人們在多個唐朝墳墓中發現了各種唐三彩塑像***Tang tri-colored glazed statues***,其中最著名的是馬和女子。由於主要有三種顏色:黃、綠、棕,唐三彩因此得名。唐三彩瓷器常被用作陪葬品***burial objects***。唐代人民思想開放,樂於接受世界各國的文化。外國商人、傳教士、外交家、藝術家不遠千里,沿著絲綢之路***the Silk Road***來到唐朝都城長安。唐三彩瓷器有融各種文化於一體的痕跡,多產於絲綢之路的幾個重要城市:西安、洛陽和揚州。


  In many tombs of the Tang Dynasty,people found avariety of Tang tri-colored glazed statues, the mostpopular ones of which were horses and ladies.Mainly they had the three-color glaze—yellow,greenand brown, hence they got the name.Tang tri-colored glazed pottery were usually used as burial objects. Tang people were open-mindedand glad to accept exotic cultures from countries all over the world.Foreign traders,missionaries,diplomats and artists traveled thousands of miles along the Silk Road to visitTang's capital city, Chang'an.The trace of melting of multiple cultures can be found in Tang tri-colored glazed pottery. They were mostly produced in Xi'an, Luoyang and Yangzhou,whichwere important cities along the Silk Road.



  在中國,尊老愛幼是中華民族的優秀傳統。早在漢朝時期***the Han Dynasty***, 政府就曾多次頒佈法令,提倡並獎勵孝敬老人的行為。中國人以愛、教育、友善和嚴格的方式對待子孫後代,體現了強烈的道德責任感。尊老愛幼的傳統在現代社會得以發揚光大。現在,中國的老人和兒童都有法定的假期—老人節***Elders'Day***和兒童節。除此之外,政府還頒佈特定的法律保護婦女兒童,法律也明確規定中國公民有義務贍養父母、撫養子女。


  It is a fine tradition in China to respect the old andlove the young.As early as the Han Dynasty, thegovernment issued laws many times to advocateand reward behavior relating to treating the old withrespect.The Chinese people treat their offspringwith love and education, with kindness and strictness, embodying a strong sense of moralresponsibility.The tradition of respecting the old and taking care of the young has been carriedforward in modern times.At present, the old and the young in China have their own legalholidays—Elders' Day and Children's Day.Besides, the government has issued specific laws toprotect women and children; and some laws also stipulate in explicit terms that Chinesecitizens have obligations to take care of parents and raise children.



  中國的扇子發明於3000多年以前,當時扇子只是用來遮擋陽光、保持涼爽。隨著時間的推移,扇子演變成了藝術品、地位的象徵、戲劇和舞蹈的道具***prop***以及浪漫的禮物。漢語中,“扇”字與“善”字同音。因此,扇子被視為能帶來好運的幸運符***good-luck charms***或慷慨的表現。圓扇子象徵團結或重聚,上面常常題有浪漫的詩詞、漢字或花卉圖案以代表財富和長壽。過去,中國的扇子常代表較高的社會地位。今天,它們常常被用於舞蹈中來體現優雅。


  When first created 3,000 years ago, Chinese fans were merely used to block the sun and keep cool.As time goes by, they evolve into works of art, symbols of status, props for theaters and dances and romantic gifts.In Chinese language, the character for the word “fan” has the same pronunciation as the character for “kindness”.Thus, fans are regarded as good-luck charms or expressions of generosity.The round fans symbolize union or reunion, and are often inscribed with romantic poems,Chinese characters or flower patterns representing wealth and longevity.In the past,Chinese fans were often used to signify a high social status.Today they are used to display grace in dances.


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