During a trip to Japan, my friend and I stayed in an inexpensive hotel. After an exhausting day,we returned to our lodgings, tired and thirsty. We asked at the front desk in English to have two 7Ups sent to our room.
The drinks never came, so we went to bed, early the next morning, the desk clerk phoned: "morning call,seven up.”
The cruise ship my friend was working on socked at a Mexican port during a very high tide. Everyone on board was forced to use the ship's narrow gangplank as a passageway to the dock far below.
The staff stood motionless when a passenger in her 70's appeared at the top of the plank. There wasn't room for anyone to assist her, so she edged along slowly and finally made it to the dock safely, to everyone's relief. As she stepped down, she turned,looked back at the top of the plank and shouted, "it' s okay, mother, you can come down now.”
Searching through row upon row of Christmas trees, my husband Norm and In picked one we liked. Then I noticed the one being held by a woman nearby the perfect tree. I watched as she carried it around the lot and couldn’t believe my eyes when she set it aside.
I ditched ours and ran over to grab the coveted tree. "Aren't we lucky?" I said to Norm. "I do feel a little guilty, however, for taking it before she could change her mind.”
"I wouldn’t worry ,”he replied, "she just ran over and snatched ours."