Two small boys, not yet old enough to be in school, were overheard talking at the zoo one day.
"My name is Billy. What's yours?" asked the first boy. "Tommy," replied the second.
"My Daddy's an accountant. What does your Daddy do for a living?" asked Billy.
Tommy replied, "My Daddy's a lawyer."
"Honest?" asked Billy.
"No, just the regular kind", replied Tommy.
St Peter's Question 聖彼德的問題
Three men, a doctor, an accountant and a lawyer are dead and they appear in front of St Peter. St Peter tells them that they have to answer one question in order to get to Heaven.
He looks at the doctor and asks, "There was a movie that was made about a ship that sank after hitting an iceberg, what was its name?"
The doctor answers, "The Titanic" and he is sent through.
He then looks at the accountant and say, "How many people died in that ship?"
Fortunately the accountant had just watched the movie and he answers, "1500!". St Peter sends him through and then finally turns to the lawyer and commands, in a very heavy voice, "Name them!".
Want a day off 想請一天假
Smith goes to see his supervisor in the front office. "Boss," he says, "we're doing some heavy house-cleaning at home tomorrow, and my wife needs me to help with the attic and the garage, moving and hauling stuff.""We're short-handed, Smith" the boss replies. "I can't give you the day off.""Thanks, boss," says Smith "I knew I could count on you!"
一天,史密斯去見他的客戶部領導,“老闆”,斯密斯說,“我們家明天要大搞清潔,我老婆需要我回去幫忙清潔閣樓和車庫,搬搬挪挪什麼的。”“斯密斯啊,你也知道,我們現在人手已經不夠了”老闆說,“明天的假我是沒法給你批了”。“多謝老闆,” Smith說,“我就知道跟著您幹準沒錯”。
The fine-furniture store where I work has been in business since the 1920s. Recently I received a call from a woman who wanted to replace some chairs from a dining set purchased from us in the 1930s. I assured her we could help and sought the assistance of the office manager. "You'll never believe this one, " I told him." I just got a call from a customer who bought some chairs from us in the 1930s. "
Before I could finish repeating her request, he interrupted and said, "Don't tell me she hasn't received them yet!"