
General 更新 2024年09月30日



  你覺得自己丑嗎?Do You Think You Are Ugly?

  Today, people play the joke that it is the age of looking at the face, which means appearance decides everything. Some people are very annoyed by their appearance, they are afraid to look at the mirror and when taking photoes, they try to avoid. They think they are ugly. Actually, these people are believed to have the mental illness, they can do as the following advice and get rid of illness.


  First, people must realize that the evaluation of a person is not according to the apperance totally. The obvious example is the facebook’s founder Mark Zuckerberg, the young and rich man married a homely looking girl. This girl was very excellent and she had the charm. It is important to cultivate the personal charm, such as reading more books and broaden the vision.


  Second, it is also indispensable to make up properly. People don’t need to dress like the stars, but make up a little can help them to be confident, what’s more, it is important to know the dress code. So people will not feel the self-deprecation in the public occasions.


  Everybody is born to be equal and has their own feature, so don’t be stuck in the appearance.



  辦公室戀情 Office Love

  Nowadays, a new type of love is not accepted in most situation, it is the office love. In some companies, there is the rule to forbid office love, because the boss believes that it is not good for running the business, the relationship will distract the employees’ attention.


  Why office love is always happening, even the young people know it is not allowed. It is because when these young girls and boys work together all the day, they are easy to fall in love with each other. It is the natural reaction, they know each other well and realize the shinning point.


  In order to keep the relationship, the young couples have to lie to everybody and pretend nothing is happening. But the awkward situations happen sometimes, they have to deal very carefully. But most companies won’t interfere the personal emotion, they believe that it is the employees’ right to handle their emotion. The companies have the job for the employees, they can do whatever they want when they finish their job.

  為了維持戀情,年輕的情侶們不得不欺騙大家,假裝什麼也沒有發生。但有時尷尬的情況會發生,他們必須非常謹慎地處理好。但大多數公司不會干涉個人的情感,他們認為這是員工的權利去處理他們的情緒。公司分配給員工工作 ,當他們完成他們的工作,該幹嘛就幹嘛去。

  Office love is nothing special, don’t give the pressure to the young people.




  Since the end of last century, Chinese economy developed very fast and it brought some chances to part of people, helping them earn a lot of money. When their children was born, people called them the rich second generation. The public always read some negative news about these rich guys, their label seemed to be young and reckless. But it is not true for all.

  自上世紀末以來,中國的經濟發展非常快, 給一部分人帶來了機遇,讓他們賺了很多錢。他們的孩子出生時,人們稱他們為富二代。公眾對這些有錢人總是看到一些負面新聞,他們的標籤似乎年輕和不計後果的。但並不是所有的富二代都這樣。

  We must realize that those second rich generation who are reported in the news are negative image. The rich people belong to small part of it and most people are still struggling in the well-off level. So these negative image can help to ease their jealousness. What’s more, the negative news is always easy to catch the public’s attention and raise them to discuss. That’s the value of news report.


  Let’s take a look at the real rich second generation. They are born in the rich family and surely to win over most kids. But they know they have to learn, as so to compete with other excellent guys. They have the good resouces and they can make use of them, which help them to be skillful and knowledgable.


  This is the true about these rich kids, as the common kid, we have no reason to give up studying.


