1. 英美菜譜常用分類詞彙表
2. 烹調方式 Cooking Method
3. fried... 煎...
4. deep fried... 炸幹炸...
5. quick-fried/stir-fried...爆炒...
6. braised... 燉燒...
7. stewed... 悶燉、煨...
8. steamed...蒸...
9. smoked... 薰...
10. roast... 烤...
11. grilled... 烤...
12. crisp... 香酥...
13. spicy... 麻辣...
14. caramelized... 拔絲...
15. toffee...拔絲...
16. dices... ...丁
17. mashed... ...餡、泥...
18. in brown sauce 紅燒... ...
19. in soy sauce 醬汁... ...
20. in hot sauce 乾燒... ...
21. in tomato sauce 茄汁... ...
22. in black bean sauce 豆瓣... ...
23. in rice wine 糟溜... ...
24. with fish flavor 魚香... ...
25. with sweet and sour flavor 糖醋... ...
26. in soup 汆... ...
27. shreds ...絲 ...
28. slices ...片 ...
29. cubes ...塊
30. 2 調味品 Condiments
31. table salt 食鹽
32. sugar 白糖
33. cheese 乳酪/乾酪
34. vinegar 醋
35. butter 黃油
36. pepper 胡椒
37. soy sauce 醬油
38. cream 奶油
39. curry 咖哩
40. mustard 芥茉
41. tomato sauce 蕃茄醬
42. honey 蜂蜜
43. gravy 肉汁
44. jam 果醬
45. cube sugar 方糖
46. ginger 姜
47. garlic 大蒜
48. shallot 大蔥
49. mayonnaise 蛋黃醬
50. sweet soybean paste 甜麵醬
51. 3 湯類 Soup
52. clear soup/thin soup/consomme 清湯
53. pottage/thick soup 濃湯
54. broth 肉湯
55. beef soup 牛肉湯
56. tomato soup 西紅柿湯
57. cabbage soup 洋白菜湯
58. vegetable soup 菜湯
59. chicken soup 雞湯
60. creamed chicken soup 奶油雞湯
61. fish and tomato soup 紅魚湯
62. creamed ham soup 奶油火腿湯
63. beef balls soup 牛肉丸子湯
64. creamed prawn soup 奶油蝦湯
65. beef and vegetable soup 牛肉蔬菜湯
66. creamed spinach soup 奶油菠菜湯
67. hot and sour soup 酸辣湯
68. minced chicken and corn pottage 雞茸粟米湯
69. curry chicken soup 咖哩雞湯
70. 4 主食 Staple food
71. 中餐主食Chinese Food
72. rice gruel/porridge 大米粥
73. millet gruel 小米粥
74. steamed bun/steamed bread 饅頭
75. steamed twisted roll 花捲
76. meat pie 餡餅
77. pancake 煎餅
78. meatbun/steamed bread with stuffings 包子
79. dumpling 餃子
80. wonton/dumpling soup 餛飩
81. noodles 麵條
82. sichuan style noodles with peppery sauce 擔擔麵
83. fried noodles 炒麵
84. stretched noodles 拉麵
85. noodles with soup 湯麵
86. noodles with soybean paste 炸醬麵
87. beef noodles 牛肉麵
88. spring roll春捲
89. rice noodles 米線
90. sweet dumpling 元宵
91. egg fried rice 蛋炒飯
92. deep-fried dough sticks 油條
93. soybean milk 豆漿
94. muffin 鬆糕/餅
95. cruller 油餅
96. 5 西餐主食Western Food
97. bread 麵包
98. toast 烤麵包/土司
99. rye bread 黑麥麵包
100. bun 小圓麵包
101. hamburger 漢堡包
102. bacon cheeseburger 臘肉乳酪漢堡包