
General 更新 2025年03月04日




  He cuba's life was one of grief and sorrow.She saw withher own eyes her eldest born Hectorkilled and insulted by Achilles.She saw her son Polites slain in front of her by Pyrrhus.And shesaw her husband,the aged Priam,dragged towards the household altar and ruthlesslybutchered there.After the fall of Troy she was carried into slavery .Shehad the misfortune towitness her daughter Polyxena,her soleconsolation in bondage ,sacrificed at the tomb ofAchilles.She had the sad fate to see washed ashore the corpse of her young estsonPolydorus,who had been entrusted to the Thracian king for safekeeping.With her fifty childrenall dead she became thequeen of sorrows from whom no other woman could obtain the crown.Yet in her distress and despair,she plucked up hercourage to avenge herself upon theThracian king,who had murdered her son in order to get her son's gold.Later,asDionysushad prophesied ,she was transformed into a dog with bloodshoteyes and,unable toendure the new misery,she leapt into thesea and thus ended her unfortunate life.




  Far out in the sea there was an island,on the rocky edge of which lived three Sirens,thethree sisters of magic song.Half human and half bird,the Siren sisters sat in a field offlowers,singing in voices that excited the hearts of men.The attractive songs were so sweetthat ships were attracted to the island and struck to pieces on the rocks.No sailor nor shiphad ever been known to pass the Island of the Sirens without being attracted to disaster .

  Acting on the advice of Circe,Odysseus took careful preparation against the Sirens.Beforetheir ships came to where they could hear the song,Odysseus had himself tied to the mast,stopped the ears of his men with wax and ordered them to ignore his orders and gestureswhen they were passing the fatal island .

  Soon they came in sight of the rocky island,and the attractive song reached the ears ofOdysseus.It moved him so much that he struggled in despair to free himself and shouted forhis men to turn towards the rich and flowery grass land of the singing sisters.But no one paidany attention to him.The sailors kept straight on until they were completely out ofhearing.Then his friends freed him and took the wax out of their ears.For once the Sirenshad sung with no effects.The eldest of the sisters,Partherope,loved Odysseus so much thatshe threw herself into the sea after his ships had passed.






  Io was the daughter of a rivergod.She was loved,run after and won by Zeus.Hera becameso greeneyed that she flew down from Olympus one day to pay her rival back.Zeus,however,had foreseen her arrival and changed Io into abeautiful white littlecow.Seeing through the trick,Hera asked for the cow as a present and Zeus had to give into her wish .Then she left the cow to the care of a hundredeyed monster,Argus.Argus'eyes were ever open and no escape was possible.Unable to bear to see her sounhappy,Zeus sent Hermes down todestroy the monster.Dressed up as ashepherd,Hermes lulled Argus to sleep with his sweet songs and long stories,then killed himand set Io free.But Hera's anger was not to be calmed downyet.She sent a gadfly to attackthe cow and drive her from land to land.In her misery the cow passed over the strait whichdivides Europe and Asia.In this way the strip of water got itsname Bosporus ,the way of thecow.She wandered over thesea,which by chance got from her its name the Ionian Sea .Inthe end she arrived in Egypt where she was turned back into hernatural form .She settleddown and gave birth to a son,Some of her children remained in Egypt and ruled as kings for alongtime.


