
General 更新 2024年09月16日



  Ⅴ. 單項選擇每小題1分, 共15分


   21. He is creative. He’s going to turn his car _____ a playroom for the children.

  A. with B. into C. in D. from

   22. Stop _______ — you’re giving me a headache!

  A. shouting B. shout C. to shout D. shouted

   23. _______ old feel the cold weather more than _______ young.

  A. An; a B. The; the C. The; a D. An; the

   24.—Did you use to _______ your diary in the bookcase?

  —Yes, I did. I didn’t want my parents to read it.

  A. write B. return C. hide D. compare

   25. Jenny, you always _______ your baby too much before bedtime. In fact, it’s not good for his sleep.

  A. excite B. excited C. exciting D. excitement

   26. It was _______ of her to go into the burning building to save the child.

  A. magic B. brave C. strange D. clever

   27. These shoes don’t _______ me. I have to change them.

  A. fit B. touch C. develop D. push

   28. Dale plans to go shopping _______ going fishing this weekend.

  A. because of B. next to C. instead of D. up to

   29. Where did you go? There _______ a couple of girls waiting for you ten minutes ago.

  A. was B. is C. were D. are

   30. Alex and Tom are outgoing so _______ of them are afraid of speaking at the meeting.

  A. neither B. none C. both D. all

   31. _______ I heard the news that the Chinese pianist Lang Lang had won a music prize in Spain, I jumped up and down happily because I like his music very much.

  A. As soon as B. As long as C. Although D. If

   32. She _______ the jacket as soon as she saw it, so she decided to buy it right now.

  A. took care of B. came up with C. fell in love with D. ran out of

   33. Tina is _______ tall _______ she can reach the apples on the tree.

  A. too; to B. so; that C. enough; to D. such; that

   34. Mom, please remind me _______ this letter. I must do it today.

  A. posted B. posting C. post D. to post

   35. —The little boy said he was going to walk to the big city from his village.

  —_______! It’s much too far.

  A. Sounds good B. Have a good day

  C. It’s a big deal D. It’s a little bit silly

  Ⅵ. 完形填空每小題1分,共10分


  One early morning, an old gardener found lots of his flowers were missing. He was so 36 that he shouted, “Who did this?” He wanted to protect 保護 his flowers, 37 he locked 鎖上 the garden in the evening.

  The next morning, he found some of his flowers missing again. So he 38 to find out what had happened. When night came, he sat 39 to watch his garden. Soon he saw a tortoise 陸龜 moving slowly into the garden. The tortoise opened its mouth and ate a whole 40 .

  The gardener ran to the tortoise and shouted, “I 41 you this time!”

  “I’m sorry. If you want to punish 懲罰 me, please do not 42 me into water. It is 43 to die that way,” said the tortoise.

  “You ate so many of my beautiful flowers. I must punish you!” said the old gardener. And he quickly threw the tortoise into a 44 next to his garden.

  After some time, the tortoise swam away 45 . Then the old gardener realized it was so silly to throw the tortoise into the lake because the tortoise was not afraid of water.

   36. A. angry B. glad C. surprised D. brave

   37. A. though B. but C. so D. or

   38. A. caused B. decided C. cheated D. reported

   39. A. quietly B. brightly C. crazily D. fairly

   40. A. tomato B. apple C. bird D. flower

   41. A. catch B. take C. carry D. rise

   42. A. turn B. fold C. lead D. throw

   43. A. available B. Terrible C. difficult D. important

   44. A. river B. tower C. lake D. pool

   45. A. happily B. carelessly C. dangerously D. seriously

  Ⅶ. 閱讀理解每小題2分,共20分


  Kate and John come from Los Angeles. Kate loves swimming, lying on the beach and drinking coffee. John likes surfing 衝浪. They are having a vacation by the sea now so they can do all these things they like. Both of them are very good students. Kate is good at math and English but she doesn’t like history. John does well in English and he is also interested in geography and history.

  Mary and Greg live in London. Mary loves shopping very much. In her opinion, shopping is relaxing. The more girls shop, the more fun they have. Girls know where the sales are and how to find them, so it becomes a great way to spend some enjoyable time. Greg loves music. There is a piano in his living room and he plays it every day.

  Jacob and Olivia love watching movies. Their favorite one is Pirates of the Caribbean. They also enjoy playing volleyball with their friends.

  Etan and Sophia spend all their free time riding Etan’s motorbike 摩托車. They love to travel by motorbike and plan to go to Los Angeles by motorbike next month. Etan can also drive a car. Sophia enjoys playing volleyball and reading books.


   46. What subject does Kate NOT like?

  A. Math. B. English. C. Geography. D. History.

   47. _______ thinks it is enjoyable to go shopping.

  A. Kate B. Sophia C. Mary D. Olivia

   48. In the passage, how many people like playing volleyball?

  A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5.

   49. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. Greg is good at playing the violin.

  B. Etan enjoys traveling by motorbike.

  C. Kate likes swimming and drinking tea.

  D. Jacob thinks it is boring to watch movies.

   50. The passage is mainly about _______.

  A. hobbies B. jobs C. subjects D. plans


  Once upon a time there was a poor woodcutter who worked very hard from morning till night. He had a son and his name was Herman. The old man saved some money and sent his son to university. 51_______

  But the money that the father gave his son was all finished after two years and Herman had to come back home. The old man had no more money. Herman said he would stay and work with his father.

  The next day Herman went to the forest with his father. Though he had never done such work before, he worked well. 52_______ Herman took his bread and said he would go a little way into the forest.

  Herman was so happy with the bright sunshine that he walked and walked. Suddenly he heard a voice, “Let me out! Let me out!” 53_______ There was something in the bottle 瓶子 that looked like a small frog 青蛙 . It jumped up and down shouting, “Let me out!”

  As soon as Herman opened the bottle, the little thing jumped out of the bottle and began to grow. 54_______ “Thank you, young man,” he said. “Now it’s my turn to help you.”

  The giant 巨人 gave Herman a piece of cloth 布. “It is unusual,” said the giant. “Put it on a stone, and it will turn the stone into gold.”

  Herman ran back to his father with the unusual cloth. 55_______ Also, Herman went back to university to learn more. Years later he became a famous doctor in town.


  A. Thanks to it, they became rich and began to live a comfortable life.

  B. Herman thanked the giant for the present and returned to his father.

  C. Three hours later his father asked him to stop to have dinner.

  D. Herman looked down and saw a green bottle under a tree.

  E. In a minute it stood in front of Herman like a giant.

  F. Herman worked hard and learned a lot of things.

  Ⅷ. 情景交際每小題2分,共10分


  A: Lingling, did you go to see a movie yesterday?

  B: No, I didn’t. I just stayed at home and read a book.

  A: 56______________________?

  B: Cinderella. It’s very interesting.

  A: Can you tell me more about it?

  B: 57______________________. The stepmother and her daughters ordered Cinderella to work day and night doing the chores.

  A: What a poor girl! 58______________________?

  B: One day, the Prince invited all the young ladies to a party, planning to choose a wife from among them.

  A: Wonderful! I want to read it too. 59______________________?

  B: Sorry, I returned it to our school library this morning.

  A: OK, I will borrow it tomorrow.

  B: On Sunday? 60______________________.

  A: Oh, that’s the school library rule. I’ll borrow it next Monday.

  Ⅸ. 詞彙運用每小題0.5分,共5分

  A 根據句意及所給漢語提示,寫出句中所缺單詞。

  61. After a 5-kilometer race, she suddenly felt _________虛弱的 in the legs.

  62. When he _________微笑 at me, I knew everything was all right.

  63. My sister made me look _________愚蠢的 in front of all my friends.

  64. These businessmen are very clever. Don’t let them _________欺騙 you.

  65. The moon is _________照耀 through the window. I can’t sleep.

  B 根據句意,用括號內所給單詞的適當形式填空。

  66. There were several _________object on the floor of the room.

  67. The lights are _________bright in here than in there — they’re hurting my eyes.

  68. My son likes playing with _________stone. I am looking for some for him.

  69. What are you _________shoot your gun at, Dale?

  70. Unless you _________call me to say you’re not coming, I’ll see you at the theater.

  Ⅹ. 完成句子每小題2分,共10分


  71. 我有點累了,想休息。

  I am ________________ tired and I want to have a rest.

  72. 從前有個國王,他有三個女兒。

  ________________ there lived a king who had three daughters.

  73. 他們在2003年結了婚。

  They ________________ in 2003.

  74. 我第一次坐火車回家時很激動。

  When I took the train home ________________, I was very excited.

  75. 昨天一個小男孩帶我到了那家飯店。

  A little boy ________________ the restaurant yesterday.

  Ⅺ. 綜合填空每小題1分,共10分


  country, so, promise, because, for, return, however, shy, think, imagine, give, draw

  Mac Macpherson, a 2nd-grader in Virginia, was looking forward to a trip to Disney World. Her mother 76________ her a trip there if she could raise $500 for charity 慈善.

  The mother 77________ it would take her little girl weeks or months to raise $500. 78________, to her surprise, Mac did it in just one day!

  Mac raised money by 79________ portraits 肖像. “At first I wasn’t sure how to do it. But then I thought, ‘Oh, maybe I can draw portraits, ‘” said Mac. “I learned to draw for a long time, 80________ I thought it would work.”

  With her parents’ help, Mac set up a tent and an easel 畫架 at Eastern Market one Saturday morning. Though feeling a little 81________, she stood up and said in a big voice, “Do you want a portrait? It’s 82________ charity!” Many people stopped by in shock.

  That day Mac drew portraits of 27 people and 3 dogs. She earned 賺 and raised about $550. She decided to 83________ the money to Save the Children, a group that helps children in need in about 120 84________.

  Although Mac has earned her trip to Disney World, the little girl plans to keep 85________ to Eastern Market. “I like drawing, and it makes me feel good to know I can help other children,” she said.

  Ⅻ. 書面表達15分


  提示詞:girl, lost, forest, house, rabbit, friend


  Ⅴ. 21-25 BABCA 26-30 BACCA 31-35 ACBDD

  Ⅵ. 36-40 ACBAD 41-45 ADBCA

  Ⅶ. 46-50 DCBBA 51-55 FCDEA

  Ⅷ. 56. What book did you read

  57. Sure / Of course

  58. What else

  59. Can I borrow your book

  60. But the library is not open on Sundays

  Ⅸ. 61. weak 62. smiled 63. stupid 64. cheat 65. shining

  66. objects 67. brighter 68. stones 69. shooting 70. call

  Ⅹ. 71. a little bit / kind of 72. Once upon a time 73. got married

  74. for the first time 75. led me to

  Ⅺ. 76. promised 77. thought 78. However 79. drawing 80. so

  81. shy 82. for 83. give 84. countries 85. returning

  Ⅻ. One possible version:

  Once upon a time, there was a girl called Jean. She lived near a big forest. One day she went into the forest and got lost. She looked around her. “Where am I?” she asked. Then she noticed a small house. She knocked on the door, but nobody answered. So she walked into the house. There was a rabbit there. The rabbit was friendly. He said, “Are you hungry? Come and have dinner with me!” Jean said, “OK.” Then they became good friends.

