
General 更新 2024年10月04日



  A long time ago, in Henan there was a young man named Le whose family was very poor.

  One day, Le Yangzi picked up a piece of gold on the road. He happily took it home and gave it to his wife. His wife said in all seriousness: "I heard that men with aspiration do not drink from the Dao ***meaning steal in Chinese*** Spring, and honest men do not take handout food. Furthermore, picked-up money and things will stain one's moral character."

  Hearing this, Yangzi was very ashamed of himself. So he threw the piece of gold away in the open field.

  This incident touched Le Yangzi deeply. He made up his mind to leave home and go to a faraway place to study under a master.

  One year later, Le Yangzi returned home. His wife inquired why he returned so soon. Le Yangzi smiled and said: "There is no other reason except that I, being all alone away from home, miss you so much that I come back."

  His wife turned pale at his words. She took up a knife, ran to the silk loom, put the knife on the silk fabric woven from natural silk, and said to Le Yangzi in an agitated tone:

  "I reeled silk strand by strand from cocoons and, with the shuttle moving to and fro, weaved it inch by inch into this bolt of silk fabric. Now if I should cut the fabric with the knife, all the previous efforts and time I've devoted would be wasted. While studying, you should always remind yourself that there is yet much more to learn. Only in this way can you cultivate a noble moral character. If you give up halfway, it will be just like cutting up this silk fabric at one stroke."

  Deeply moved by his wife's words, Le Yangzi bid farewell to her at once, went to the faraway place, and made determined efforts to study hard. He had been away from home for a good seven years, and finally succeeded in his studies.










  Once upon a time, there was a king who ordered his officials: "Lead an elephant to me, and let several blind men feel it with their hands. Then ask each one of them to describe the shape of the elephant."

  The officials led the elephant to the king. Several blind men surrounded it and felt it with their hands. The king asked them: "What do you think the elephant resembles?"

  All these blind men strove to be the first to answer.

  One blind man felt the elephant's tusk and said: "The elephant resembles a long, long carrot."

  One blind man felt the elephant's ear and said: "The elephant resembles a dustpan."

  One blind man felt the elephant's head and said: "The elephant resembles a large stone."

  One blind man felt the elephant's foot and said: "The elephant resembles a stone mortar."

  One blind man felt the elephant's back and said: "The elephant resembles a bed."

  One blind man felt the elephant's belly and said: "The elephant resembles a water vat."

  "Ha! Ha! All of you are wrong." The last blind man pulled the elephant's tail and said: "Let me tell you that the elephant resembles a long, thin rope."

  Upon this the king and his officials all burst into laughter.













  In the Jin Dynasty, there lived a man named Zhou Chu in Yixing. Tough and fierce and fond of fighting in his youth, Zhou Chu was a big scourge in the county.

  At the time, there was a ferocious dragon in the river and a fierce tiger in the mountain in Yixing, which often injured and devoured people. Therefore, the people classed them together with Zhou Chu as "the three evils". Among them, Zhou Chu did the most harm.

  Later, someone instigated Zhou Chu to go to the mountain to kill the fierce tiger, and to the river to behead the ferocious dragon, in the hope of getting rid of two evils, leaving only one.

  Zhou Chu went to the mountain alone, and sure enough, he killed the tiger. Then he jumped into the river and fought with the dragon. The evil dragon turned up and down, and went down for tens of li with Zhou Chu chasing closely after it. After three days and nights, the people all thought that Zhou Chu had died. They were jubilant and congratulated one another. To their surprise, Zhou Chu had actually killed the dragon, went out of the water and returned.

  Upon hearing that his county folk celebrated his death, Zhou Chu came to realize that he was considered one of the evils of Yixing. He thus made his decision to mend his ways. Thereupon, he went to Wu prefecture to seek the advice of the two noted brothers, Lu Ji and Lu Yun.

  When Zhou Chu came to the Lu's home, Lu Ji was out and he met Lu Yun. He told Lu Yun the truth and expressed his wish to correct his faults and make a fresh start, but he was afraid that he was too old to accomplish anything. Lu Yun encouraged him by saying: "The ancients would be gratified even if they came to thoroughly understand the truth in the early morning but died at night, let alone you with a promising future. Besides, so far as a man is concerned, the fearful thing is to have no aspiration. Why worry that you will achieve neither merit nor fame?"

  Since then, Zhou Chu quickly and completely corrected his faults and made efforts for progress. The tale of "Zhou Chu Getting Rid of the Evils" has been handed down to this very day.








