請原諒我: Forgive me
請原諒我的遲到:Please excuse me for being late.
請原諒我這樣說:Pardon me for saying so.
請原諒我來晚了: Please excuse my late arrival.
請原諒我這麼健忘: Please pardon my forgetfulness.
請原諒我打擾了你: Please excuse my disturbing you.
請原諒我打斷你的話: Excuse me for interrupt you.
如果我錯了,請原諒我: Forgive me if I am wrong.
I am sorry是對不起的意思好不,樓上的……
Excuse me,please!是用於臨時有事要離開,或者借過之類的時候,總之就是沒有對聽者造成實際上的損害的時候用的。
Forgive me,please!用在你的話或者行為對聽者產生了實際上的傷害的時候。
Pardon me!是在你沒有聽清楚對方的話的時候請求對方重新說一遍之類的情況下用的。
Forgive me for my poor English.
Beg your pardon; Please forgive me; excuse me;
Please forgive the questionable choice of metaphor in the last sentence there .
請原諒我的中式英語 英語翻譯!
Please forgive me for my broken English.
Please forgive me for my Chinglish.
I am sorry for my poor english,常so please forgive me to talk with you with h ehelp of some tools
原諒我這麼說,請允許我這麼說 用英語怎麼表達?
Please forgive my saying
Please allow me to say like this