高手 英文怎麼說?
expert 比上面的還要高一級
Top player 絕頂玩家
artist player 這是對遊戲玩家至高無上的褒獎了,能把遊戲玩到這種境界是每個玩家的夢想
Today I would like to take this opportunity to talk about how dreams are realized. Once a writer said: "The man without a dream is a loser". This sentence has been engraved in my heart since then. In order to become a successful person, I have a university dream. Thus, the "university dream" accompanied me since my childhood. It has always been inspiring me to fight. "Not experiencing the wind and rain, how can you get the sight of the rainbow?". Indeed, without the hard work, bitterness, how can I enter the university? The precondition for success is self-confidence, and hard work is the magic weapon. Good habits are the rules of success, and time is the setting alarm for it.. I believe that everyone has infinite potentials. The only difference i that some of the potentials are developed earlier, and some later. As long as I hold the belief that I am not worse than any of them, and I can do whatever they cam or even better than them. Li Yang once said: "No one can achieve anything without effort." Indeed, no pain, no gain. "If you want to succeed, always force yourself to do more" Only in this way can we make progress. We should always keep the two sentences of Teacher Li Yang deep in mind. The dream has been driving me forward, inspiring me to work hard. We students are the future of our motherland, as well as the hope of her. The country's construction and prosperity needs ......
找英語高手翻譯個句子. 這是你自找的怎麼說
You got yourself into this.
1. Boss 老闆
2. the Master
(1)主人(多指男性)、院長、校長、碩士;(2)對宗教導師或領袖的稱呼、大師(一代宗師,在某領域的翹楚,如:張大千) (3)有控制權主宰權的人
電影中常用"the Master"(你是我的主宰),不論是邪惡勢力或中世紀歐洲城邦封建社會裡都用。
3. the mentor 導師->教父
4. Mr. Big
(1)大人物;非常重要的人物 (2)老大(具代表性的人物,能說得算的人)
5. big cheese
(1)大人物,具有影響力的人,頭面人物 (2)有錢有勢的大老粗、暴發戶:這裡所表現及傳達的意思和中國文化很貼切傳神(有錢能使鬼推磨,有奶便是娘),看cheese這字就知道了,這方面果然中西文化沒有差別。
6. old big
the mentor、the Master、Mr. big、big cheese、old big,boss就沒啥好用了,這詞太沒特色了。看你要塑造什麼樣的角色,"the mentor"最能詮釋的是電影"教父",其次是"無間道";"the Master"如上述:中世紀歐洲城邦封建社會或對邪惡勢力的畏服都可以用;"Mr. Big"一般般啦;"big cheese"沒出息混不出什麼名堂;"old big"中式江湖"老"字號(還算有中式的風味)。