樂意的英文 樂意用英語怎麼說?
pleased adj.高興的;欣喜的;喜歡的;滿意的;開心的;樂意的;洋洋自得的;自滿的
happy adj.高興的;幸福的;幸運的;巧妙的;有點醉意的
常用 權威
1. 安心樂意
feel reassured; be content (with)
2. 樂意效勞
with pleasure
1. 業主很樂意為作家提供寫作場所。
The owner is happy to provide writers with places to write.
2. 你會很樂意用不好的論據說服別人。
You will be happy to convince people with bad arguments.
3. 所以我想人們會樂意幫助他們。
So people will be willing to help them, I guess.
4. 但我也很樂意參加你的聚會。
But I'd love to come to your party, too.
5. 他是個可愛的傢伙,他會很樂意幫忙的。
He's a lovely guy, and he'll be happy to help.
6. 我不知道他在想什麼,但我很樂意搞清楚。
I've no idea what he's got in mind, but I'm excited to find out.
7. 沒有人樂意冒著被孤立的風險放棄自己的信仰。
Nobody is willing to give up their beliefs at the risk of getting isolated.
8. 對於我提的建議,她似乎有點兒不樂意。
She seemed somewhat displeased with my suggestion.
9. 她樂意待在自己的小圈圈裡,怕交新朋友。
She is happy to stay in her own circle, and is afraid to make new friends.
10. 她不樂意,咕嘟起了嘴。
She pursed up/thrust out/pouted her lips in disapproval.
樂意,讀音lè yì,漢語詞語,指的是快意、高興;也指願意。例句有“這位老人一團和氣,孩子們都樂意親近他”。 相關古文有“夫見下貴者,所以長生安體樂意之道也。”出自《莊子·盜蹠》,相關近義詞有興奮、願意、答應,反義詞有勉強、為難、拒絕。
動詞 be willing/ready (to do sth)
1. 我們樂意出資贊助。
We are ready to provide the financial support.
2. 他原本就不樂意來。
He was reluctant to come, to begin with.
3. “你願意跟我一塊去嗎?”“非常樂意。”
‘Would you like to go with me?'‘With pleasure.'
4. 假如你樂意為我們工作,我們將不勝感激。
We'll be much obliged if you are so kind as to work for us.
5. 樂意幫忙
be willing to help; be ready to assist
形詞 pleased; happy
1. 對於我提的建議,她似乎有點兒不樂意。
She seemed somewhat displeased with my suggestion.