提問的英文 提問用英語怎麼說?
quiz n.知識測驗;智力競賽;問答比賽;惡作劇;戲弄;嘲弄;古怪的人;詢問;盤問;審問
常用 權威
1. 誘導性提問
suggestive question
2. 紛紛提問
ask questions in succession
3. 突然提問
pop a question
1. 透過電子郵件向男士或女士提問。
By emailing questions to the man or the woman.
2. 看見或聽到某種主張時,針對該主張提問
When you see or hear a claim, ask questions about it.
3. 例如,美國人在提問時通常使用助動詞\do\。
For example, Americans usually use the helping verb \do\ when they ask a question.
4. 學生們的提問得到了滿意的解答。
The students got satisfactory answers to their questions.
5. 英語老師今天在課堂上提問
The English teacher quizzed me twice in today’s class.
6. 不要接二連三地提問了。
Please stop your continual questions.
7. 老師就課文提問,但全班沒有一個人能夠回答。
The teacher put a number of questions about the text to the class, but no one knew the answers.
8. 我努力灌輸給學生積極提問的態度。
I tried to inculcate in my pupils an attitude of enquiry.
9. 他避而不答樓外記者的提問。
He parried questions from reporters outside the building.
10. 總統對一名記者關於恐怖主義的提問置之不理。
The president brushed off a reporter's question about terrorism.
提問(英文:quiz),讀音tí wèn,漢語詞語,指傳訊審問;提出問題要求回答。例句為“他向老師提問,並得到了滿意的答案”。 相關近義詞為發問,反義詞為問答、回答等。
動詞 ask/raise a question; put a question to; quiz
1. 英語老師今天在課堂上提問我兩次。
The English teacher quizzed me twice in today's class.
2. 老師就課文提問,但全班沒有一個人能夠回答。
The teacher put a number of questions about the text to the class, but no one knew the answers.
名詞 question raised/asked
1. 學生們的提問得到了滿意的解答。
The students got satisfactory answers to their questions.