坐火車的英文 坐火車用英語怎麼說?
by train 坐火車;乘坐火車
1. 坐火車只需要大約三個小時。
The train ride takes only about three hours.
2. 每年一月份,坐火車旅行的費用都會增加。
Every January the cost of travelling by train rises.
3. 有人建議我坐火車,因為那個時候交通通常是最繁忙的。
I was advised to take the train because the traffic is often the busiest at that time.
4. 身高不滿1.2米的兒童坐火車免票。
Children under 1.2 metres tall take the train free.
5. 坐火車的壞處是太費時間。
The disadvantage of going by train is that it takes too much time.
6. 我坐火車回到索然無味的外省老家。
I made my way home to the dreary provinces by train.
7. 他兒子每天跟我坐火車去伯明翰。
His son came up with me to Birmingham every day on the train.
8. 王先生和李先生正坐火車去旅行。
Mr Wang and Mr Li are traveling on the train.
9. 我建議大家坐火車去那裡如何?。
May l suggest going there by train?
10. 這不只是如何打發坐火車的時間。
This is more than filling in the time that would be spent sitting on a train.
坐火車是現代人出行的的一個主要方式,具有購票難、擁擠、速度快的特點,坐火車的主要人有:商旅、農民 工、學生等。