有決心的英文 有決心用英語怎麼說?
determined adj.下定決心的;決意的;堅定的;堅決的
resolute adj.堅決的;堅定的;不屈不撓的
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我們有決心,我們一直在努力。
We had determination, and we kept on trying.
2. 我們有決心,也有能力。
We have the determination and capability as well.
3. 總之…記得要很有決心,很專注。
In summary … remember to be very determined and very focused.
4. 一個有決心的人將找到他的道路.
A willful man will have his way.
5. 我們有決心使CPDF獲得成功。
We are all determined to make this initiative a success.
6. 如果有決心,那麼就會有選擇。
If there is determination then there is choice.
7. 我們的推銷人員需要有決心和幹勁.
Our sales people need determination and drive.
8. 我相信,同志們是有決心走這個方向的。
I am confident that comrades here are determined to move in the direction indicated.
9. 可實現的:我堅信有決心沒什麼是不可能的。
ATTAINABLE : I am a firm believer that nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
10. 只要有決心和毅力, 什麼時候學也不算晚.
It is never too late for one to learn, if he shows his determination and willpower.
determined; resolute