諒解的英文 諒解用英語怎麼說?
understand v.理解;懂;推斷;猜想;以為;瞭解;明白;解釋;不言自明;認為…理所當然
常用 權威
1. 諒解備忘錄
memorandum of understanding;memorandum of understanding
2. 祈求諒解
beseech sb's understanding
3. 真誠的諒解
cordial understanding
1. 如果他們之間有摩擦,那就應該相互諒解。
If there is friction between them, each should make allowances for the other.
2. 我諒解你的苦衷。
I understand your difficulties/plight.
3. 兩國簽署了經濟合作諒解備忘錄。
The two countries signed a memorandum of understanding on economic cooperation.
4. 一個需要諒解來處理的問題。
A problem which needs to be handled with understanding.
5. 他在經歷11場戰爭之後決定退出是可以諒解的,對吧?
Surely, after covering eleven wars, he could be forgiven for calling it quits?
6. 增加信心、影響、知識、諒解等。
Gain in confidence, influence, knowledge, understanding , etc.
7. 伊麗莎白·斯萬:你會諒解我嗎?
Elizabeth Swann: Will you anytime absolve me?
8. 他們能諒解為什麼週末不去露營。
They're very understanding about not going camping this weekend.
9. 我要去諒解在此生食肉的我自己。
I intend to forgive myself for consuming flesh in this lifetime.
10. 如果你種植諒解,你將收穫和解。
If you plant openness, you will reap intimacy.
諒解(英文:understand),讀音liàng jiě,漢語詞語,指的是瞭解實情後原諒或消除意見。例句有“同學之間,只有互相諒解才能搞好團結”。 相關句子有“我謝絕了一切應酬,朋友們也很能諒解。”出自徐特立《我的生活》,相關近義詞有包容、海涵、見諒,反義詞有埋怨、抱怨、誤會。
動詞 understand; make allowance(s) for
1. 我諒解你的苦衷。
I understand your difficulties/plight.
2. 如果他們之間有摩擦,那就應該相互諒解。
If there is friction between them, each should make allowances for the other.
3. 真誠的諒解
cordial understanding
4. 增進國際間的相互諒解
strengthen/improve international understanding
5. 請求諒解
seek sb's forgiveness/understanding
6. 得到諒解
get/gain sb's forgiveness
7. 達成諒解
come to/reach an understanding (of)
8. 促進相互諒解
further/promote mutual understanding