盡全力的英文 盡全力用英語怎麼說?
do one's best phr.盡某人最大努力
with might and main 拼命地
to the best of one's ability 就自己能力所及
all one knows …知道的就只有…;其他情況就不去管它了;…只想說
常用 重點詞彙
1. 竭盡全力
do one's utmost; spare no effort; do all one can; exert all one's energy/strength
1. 他們盡全力號召大家為武漢募捐。
They tried their best to call on everyone to raise money for Wuhan.
2. 政府和汽車生產商正在竭盡全力降低成本。
Governments and car producers are doing everything they can to cut down the costs.
3. 這意味著他們可以對居民說,他們正在盡全力緩解擁堵。
It means they can say to their residents they're doing all they can to ease congestion.
4. 她用盡全力使勁把球扔了出去。
She threw the ball with all her might/strength.
5. 下週在國會他會盡全力爭取的。
He will go for the doctor in Parliament next week.
6. 它太容易了,我無需盡全力。
It's too easy — it doesn't stretch me.
7. 我們已竭盡全力確保對被告公平審判。
We have bent over backwards to ensure a fair trial for the defendants.
8. 他要是真愛她就會竭盡全力把她找回來。
If he had truly loved her he would have moved heaven and earth to get her back.
9. 埃裡克竭盡全力說服他們捐出一些毯子。
Eric bent all his efforts to persuading them to donate some blankets.
10. 你們必須竭盡全力控制它。
You must make a concerted effort to curb this.
do one's best; with might and main; with all one's forces; to the best of one's ability; all one knows