Anticyclone/Area of high pressure
When the atmospheric pressure over a region is higher than its surrounding, it is called an anticyclone or an area of high pressure. The air mass surrounding an anticyclone will move clockwise in the northern hemisphere. The weather under an area of high pressure is generally stable and fine.
The sky is covered by a large amount of thin cloud with sunshine occasionally.
The sky is covered with a total cloud amount of between six eighths and eight eighths.
Depression / Cyclone / Area of low pressure
When the atmospheric pressure over a region is lower than its surrounding, the system is called a depression or cyclone. The area of a depression has no definite size and its diameter can range from 100 km to 2 000 km. The weather under an area of low pressure is generally unstable. The air mass surrounding a depression will move counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere, and clockwise in the southern hemisphere.
Anticyclone / Area of high pressure
When the atmospheric pressure over a region is higher than its surrounding, it is called an anticyclone or an area of high pressure. The air mass surrounding an anticyclone will move clockwise in the northern hemisphere. The weather under an area of high pressure is generally stable and fine.
The sky is covered by a large amount of thin cloud with sunshine occasionally.
The sky is covered with a total cloud amount of between six eighths and......
How is about the weather?
What's the weather like?
外面的天氣如何? 要問別人外面的天氣如何, 最簡單的問法就是, "What's the weather like out there?" 或是我們可以用一個很簡單的 it 來代表天氣, 像是 "What's it like out there?" 這樣講也可以. 還有要是你不喜歡用 What 來作問句, 你也可以簡單地說, "How is the weather out there?" 但是如果我們想問別人未來的某一個時間會不會出太陽或是會不會下雨, 例如我想問人家星期一會下雨嗎? 像這種情況我們就可以說, "Is it supposed to rain on Monday?" 這裡用到了一個 be suppose to 的片語, 這種講法是老美最喜歡的. 再比方說吧, 如果我們假設明天有什麼活動, 我們常常會要求別人先看看明天會不會出太陽或下雨, 這種情況老美他們會說, "Why don't you check and see if it's sunny tomorrow?" (你何不看看明天會不會出太陽呢?) 這裡把 see if it's sunny 改成 see if it's going to rain 就變成了看看會不會下雨. 2. It's a beautiful day. 今天天氣很好. 老美都是怎麼形容天氣很好的呢? 通常他們會用 beautiful, nice 或是 lovely 來形容. 其中我最常聽到的就是, "It's a beautiful/nice/lovely day." 反之如果是天氣很糟下大雨呢? 你可以用 "It's nasty." 來形容. 但是有時候也可以用反諷的講法. 有一次外頭下著傾盆大雨, 我和一個美國同學又正好沒帶傘. 結果她居然說, "How lovely." (天氣可真是好啊.) 當時我還正經八百地問她是否天氣很差可以用 lovely 來形容, 後來我才知道原來她只不過是在講反話, 害我有點受騙的感覺. 3. It rained cats and dogs last night. 昨晚雨下得很大. Rain cats and dogs 是一句非常受歡迎的俚語啦, 幾乎每個在美國的外籍學生都懂得用 rain cats and dogs 來形容雨下得很大. 當然如果你不想用俚語的講法, 你可以單說, "It's raining really hard." (雨下得很大) 或是, "We're having a heavy rain." 同樣也是雨下得很大. 那雨下得很大, 我被淋成了「落湯雞」這整句話要怎麼講? 落湯雞在英文裡只能用 "I am soaked." (我溼透了) 來形容, 所以整句話就成為. "It's raining cats and dogs out there so I am soaked." 4. We had a downpour. 我們剛遇到了一場傾盆大雨. 中文裡常形容下雨像是用「倒」的一樣, 這在英文裡也有同樣對等的字眼喔! 英文裡用的是 downpour 這個字. 形容下雨像是用倒的一樣 (pour ......
windy fogy wet dry cool warm cloudy
有風的 有霧的 潮溼的 乾燥的 涼爽的 暖和的 多雲的
it was windy yesterday.
is this morning wet or dry? it is wet and cool.
AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午後晴
AM Showers=上午陣雨
AM Snow Showers=上午陣雪
AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨
Cloudy / Wind=陰時有風
Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多雲/晚轉晴
Drifting Snow=飄雪
Few Showers=短暫陣雨
Few Snow Showers=短暫陣雪
Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暫陣雪時有風
Heavy Rain=大雨
Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨
Heavy Snow=大雪
Heavy T-Storm=強烈雷雨
Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨
Light Drizzle=微雨
Light Rain=小雨
Light Rain Shower=小陣雨
Light Rain Shower and Windy=小陣雨帶風
Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷聲
Light Snow=小雪
Light Snow Fall=小降雪
Light Snow Grains=小粒雪
Light Snow Shower=小陣雪
Mostly Clear=大部晴朗
Mostly Cloudy=大部多雲
Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多雲時陰有風
Mostly Sunny=晴時多雲
Partly Cloudy=局部多雲
Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多雲時有風
PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨時有風
PM Light Rain=下午小雨
PM Showers=下午陣雨
PM Snow Showers=下午陣雪
PM T-Storms=下午雷雨
Rain Shower=陣雨
Rain Shower/ Windy=陣雨/有風
Rain / Snow Showers=雨或陣雪
Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早間陣雪
Rain / Wind=雨時有風
Rain and Snow=雨夾雪
Scattered Showers=零星陣雨
Scattered Showers / Wind=零星陣雨時有風
Scattered Snow Showers=零星陣雪
Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=零星陣雪時有風
Scattered Strong Storms=零星強烈暴風雨
Scattered T-Storms=零星雷雨
Showers Early=早有陣雨
Showers Late=晚有陣雨
Showers / Wind=陣雨時有風
Showers in ......
There is a wearth reopert.Chengdu is sunny.Beijing is rainy.Chongqing is cloudy.