
General 更新 2025-03-04



1、The Story of Stone《石頭記》

2、A Dream of Red Mansions/Chamber(紅色大樓/房間的夢)

3、The Cowherd and the Weaving Girl(牛郎和織女)


1、《Romantic of Three Kingdoms》—— 三個王國的羅曼史



2、《All Men Are Brothers: Blood of the Leopard》——四海之內皆兄弟:豹子的血




《西遊記》: Journey to the We揣t(去西方旅遊)

Monkey / The Monkey King(猴王)


Romance of the Three Kingdoms

First of the five great works of traditional prose fiction, this master narrative transforms history into epic and has thereby educated and entertained readers of five centuries with unforgettable exemplars of martial and civic virtue, of personal fidelity and political treachery. "The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been." Echoing the rhythms of Chinese history itself, the monumental tale Three Kingdoms begins. As important for Chinese culture as the Homeric epics have been for the West, this fourteenth-century masterpiece continues to be loved and read throughout China today. Three Kingdoms portrays a fateful moment at the end of the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D. 220) when the future of the Chinese empire lay in the balance. Fearing attacks by three rebellious states, the emperor sent out an urgent appeal for support. In response, three young men - the aristocratic Liu Xuande, the fugitive Lord Guan, and the pig butcher Zhang Fei - met to swear eternal brotherhood and fealty to their beleaguered country. Their vow set in motion the series of events that ultimately resulted in the collapse of the Han. Writing centuries later, Luo Guanzhong drew on, often-told tales of this turbulent period to fashion a sophisticated narrative of loyalty and treachery, triumph and defeat, that came to epitomize all that was best and worst in the life of his country.

"Three Kingdoms is the tale (part h......

求三國演義小說英文版!!! 30分

捨本逐末。 既然要看英文,為何要選中國名著,直接看外國名著好了,外文譯本的三國又有何意境。 描寫呂布是不是這樣: that\'s a man ,who\'s named lvbufengxian,he is very very cool.






The Romance of the Three Kingdoms content essentials:

The Eastern Han Dynasty last years of a dynasty or reign , the Chinese room fall into a decline , the Yellow Turbans Uprising , every road hero multiplication puts down yellow that machine develops influence. Cao Cao has the emperor in self's power and order the dukes about in his name , strength is the strongest. Melee the successive years , jungle justice. War in Guan Du , Cao Cao kill Yuan Shao , unite the north. War in Chi Bi City , Wu Guo high-ranking officer in the army Zhou Yu defeat Cao Cao utterly , make Cao Cao be unable to infringe upon to the south of the Yangtse River for the moment , form a situation of tripartite confrontation , relatively stable aspect. And three national affairs Cao Cao's Wei Guo , Sun Quan's Wu Guo , Liu Bei's Kingdom of Shu Han. Cao Cao postmortal , Cao proclaim self emperor. High-ranking officer in the army Sima Zhao unites the whole nation , Shanxi Province having ended aspect of a situation of tripartite confrontation , having seized Wei Wei , founds Jin Chao .






Romance of the Three Kingdoms 或 Three Kindoms


Romance = 羅曼史 - -||| 也就素說外國人的說法是3個國王滴羅曼史


元末明實施耐庵所著《水滸傳》,原書早在 300 多年前就流傳到東西方各國,在 17世紀的江戶時代傳入日本,後被譯成英、法、德、意、匈、捷、波蘭等 12 種文字在各國發,其中,日本就有 18種日文譯本。西方最早七十回全書譯本是德文,書名《強盜和士兵》,法譯本為《中國的勇士》,英譯本為《發生在河邊的 故事》,另有一些英文版譯為《在沼澤地裡》。譯得最好的是 1938年諾貝爾文學 獎獲得者、在中國長大的美國女作家布克夫人(中文名字賽珠珍)的譯本,書名 《四海之內皆兄弟》, 1933年出版,連魯迅在給友人信中都稱讚∶“近布克夫人 譯《水滸》,聞頗好。”意大利人安德拉斯節譯《水滸傳》 中魯智深的故事,書 名《佛節記》;德國人譯楊雄故事,書名《聖潔的愛》;節譯武大郎與潘金連故 事,取名《賣大餅武大郎和不忠實婦人的事》;節譯智取生辰綱故事,取名《黃 泥崗的襲擊》和《強盜設置的圈套》。

羅貫中所著《三國演義》,在日本流傳最廣,不同的日譯本有吉川英治《三國演義》,三間評價的 <三國志演義》,村上知 行的《全譯三國志》。美國有位翻譯家節譯《三國演義》中關羽故事,書名《戰 神》。< p>

吳承恩的神話小說《西遊記》,早在 1831年就有日譯本《通俗西遊記》,其後英、西班牙、捷、波、俄等國都有譯本。翻譯家將書名譯得五花八門, 英譯本為《猴》,其它譯本有《猴王》、《猴子歷險記》、《猴子取經記》、《 俠與豬》、《神魔歷險記》等。

蘭陵笑笑生所著《金瓶梅》,從 19世紀中葉 就開始在歐洲傳播,歐洲最早譯本是蘇利埃·德·莫朗的法譯本《金蓮》,德國 漢學家弗·庫恩根的德文譯本名叫《金瓶梅·西門慶與其六個妻妾奇情史》;如今,西方有英、俄、西班牙、瑞典、芬蘭、捷、南斯拉夫等譯本。

清代曹雪芹所著《紅樓夢》自問世以來,在國外已有十幾種文字共 23種主要版本,受到各國讀 者歡迎。世界各國較重要的百科全書,都有專條介紹《紅樓夢》,美國的《美利 堅百科全書》譽之為“世界文壇的一座豐碑”。《紅樓夢》早在乾隆 58年(1795年)就傳入日本,但是,最早翻譯《紅樓夢》的卻是英國人。道光 22年( 1842年),英國人湯姆將它的幾個章節譯成英文,書名《紅樓夢幻》;英國漢學家 戴維·霍克斯等翻譯成五卷英譯本,書名《石頭記》。《紅樓夢》俄譯本書名為 《紅樓閣裡的夢》,法譯本則叫《莊園裡的愛情》。

有的作品短小精悍,更為翻譯家所青睞,因而譯名繁,妙趣橫生。元代王實甫名劇《西廂記》,譯成法文書名《熱戀中的少女,中國十三世紀的愛情故事》 。元代紀君祥名劇《趙氏孤兒》, 1756年由一個華名叫馬若瑟的法國傳教士翻譯 介紹到歐洲,同年,法國大作家伏爾泰把它改寫成《中國孤兒》搬上巴黎舞臺; 後來德國大詩人歌德又將它改編成悲劇《哀蘭伯諾》,主人公哀蘭伯諾就是劇中 人物趙盾的兒子趙孤。《趙氏孤兒》是 18世紀唯一被歐洲人接受的中國戲劇。


清代蒲松齡小說集《聊齋志異》,已有英、法、德、保、匈、波、愛沙尼亞、丹麥等 20多種文字譯本 。 1784年,《聊齋志異》傳入日本,書名為《豔情異史》,意大利文譯成《老虎 作客》,英文譯成《人妖之戀》。清代李汝珍小說《鏡花緣》,俄譯本名是《鏡 子裡的姻緣》。最令人啼笑皆非的是小說《莊子休妻鼓盆成大道》的譯作,翻譯者竟把它譯成《不忠誠的鰥夫》,恰與原意相反,讀後使人感到茫然。



Romance of The Three Kingdoms is one of the great chinese classics and is compiled into a semi-fictional literary masterpiece during the Ming Dynasty by Luo Guanzhong. The novel comprises around 70+% fact and 20+% fiction. Some issues such as Guan Yu's weapon weighing around 40+ kilograms, the capabilties of Lu Bu, Liu Bei's horses as well as the existence of the Hill of the Fallen Phoenix and some others are probably fictional.

That period in history can be said as the golden age of chivalry and although it happened more than 1700 years ago, characters such as Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Zhuge Liang have become household names among the chinese. Tales of their exploits, courage, adventures and many more are told in the novel "Romance of The Three Kingdoms".

It is one of the most turbulent periods in China's history taking place toward the end of the Han Dynasty where corruption is rampant in the imperial court due to eunuches holding power. Coupled with natural disasters such as floods, plague and locust swarms devouring the crops grown by the peasants, hunger and disatisfaction among the peasants soon escalated rapidly until a major rebellion known as the &quot償Yellow Scarves Rebellion" led by Zhang Jiao broke out. (It was dubbed "Yellow Scarves" because the rebels tied a yellow scarf on their head). Initially just a small band of rebels, due to widespread hunger and ill-sentiment among the popul......
