General 更新 2025-03-17
太湖西岸旅遊度假區 用英語怎麼翻譯?
the west bank vacation area of taihu
One Fish In The Sea-Brad Parsons
Suzhou is a beautiful city, which is located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the Taihu Lake shore, 100 km from Shanghai. Suzhou has a very large area, 8,488 square kilometers. He is also a large population of the city, there are 6 million people. Suzhou has a long history, in 2500, can be traced back to Shang dynasty. Suzhou川is the tourist destination, the state tourism center, and garden known to the world, known as the Oriental Venice. Thank you for Asia .This is just a rough, we can increase the sentence so that their rich articles to 130 words ~ Thank you,
五千年文博園位於安徽省太湖縣境內,處於滬渝高速太湖收費站西側。投資5.45億元,其佔地約500畝,基本定位為國家AAAAA旅遊景區。 太湖人持身份證可以免費遊覽。