Grasps the opportunity
Success belongs to the person who is good at seizing the opportunity .
機會用英語怎麼說 40分
chance; opportunity:
錯過機會 lose a chance;
藉此機會 take this occasion to; avail oneself of the opportunity to;
放棄機會 throw away one's chance;
抓住機會 seize a chance;
千載難逢的好機會 a golden opportunity; the chance of a lifetime;
高興有機會訪問貴國 be pleas海d to have the opportunity of visiting your country;
我沒有給他說話的機會。 i didn't give him a chance to say a word.
他沒有脫身機會。 he had no chance to get away.
你的機會來了。 here is a chance for you
Please grasp the opportunity
把握 用英語怎麼說?
(掌握; 抓住) grasp; hold; seize:
seize the opportunity [chance]; seize the right time; / 把握時機
Success belongs to the person who is good at seizing the opportunity .
insist on waiting for the opportunity